2| Carpool Karaoke

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That Erik, thinks I'm so pitiful I can't watch myself. Fuck him. I think to myself after he's gone.

He's right and you know it. My inner thoughts bite back.

I am probably on my fifteenth shot when the warning bells started to ring in my head. Damn. I order another.

"You might want to take it easy," the guy in front of me says. "You here with someone?"

"He left, everybody leaves you know? Everybody leaves me." I am being dramatic, but I blame it on the alcohol.

"Where's the next glass?" I ask.

"Are you sure?" He sounds concerned a little.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I turn and look seriously at him, a look that always had people rethinking their steps. I feel a hiccup building up but thankfully it doesn't surface. He should be quaking right now.

"You shouldn't say that while smiling like an idiot," he replies.

Oh fuck. "Just get me the drink," I say, gripping my knees so that my fingers would stop their slight trembling.

"Here, you can have this."

I don't know what he means but it's not a shot.

"You can ask for a refill if you want, no more shots for you, I don't need you passing out and puking on the floor with no one to take you home. Cleaning this place already sucks as it is."

"We could go to yours," I tell him.

"Yeah sure, then you can cozy up to my husband and cuddle with me," he replies immediately. "He'll surely love that."

It sounds like he is telling me no, so I let it go. I down more than five of those drinks and I still don't know what it's called.

And then my bladder feels like it could burst any minute, so I shuffle to the bathroom.

As soon as I'm done, I need another drink. So I walk back to the same bartender. I like his face. He has a pretty face. I like pretty things.

I use one of my most charming smiles while I get ready to impress him with an expensive order.

"A dollar for a bottle of scotch..." he puts the money I had so proudly handed him, in my suit pocket then pats my chest. "Are you stupid?"

"No, I'm just drunk, I think," I hiccup. "But I'm s-sber too."

"Yeah, now go home."

"You can't make me! I want another drink!" I think I'm shouting because a few people turn my way.

I hear a few laughs. Fuck them.

And maybe I am so out of it because I choose that moment, to snatch the bottle of scotch and make a run for it.

If they didn't want my money then I would just take the bottle. Idiots.

The next thing I know, a big body has hoisted me up and keeps moving, the bottle is no longer in my hand but I don't care.

"Erik! You came to save me!"

But it isn't Erik, and I find out because I land on my butt outside the club, still trying to gather my bearings.

It should have hurt, but my mind is a little foggy. I stagger around, looking at the cars. Blue, black, black. Well that's boring. Red, oh that's shiny!

I stop at a black car and stare at it. "Hey! You look just like my car!"

I fish the keys out, checking my breast pocket then my socks. "Where are you?" I giggle. Then I take my tie off and get in.

I feel something hard; the shape of a phone when I sit down. "I should probably call Erik," I mutter.

"Hey Erik," I say when I hear his voice. "Why does no one like me?"

"Are you drunk?" He asks.

"See, you can't even answer me can you? B–but but... you're a good person, you know..." I hiccup. "I–I could never be like you. You won't leave me too right?"

He sighs from the other end. "Sir..."

"You know, I've always loved it when you called me sir."

"Yeah, you're totally wasted. Stay where you are, I'm coming to get you."

"Hmph, stupid Erik, thinks he can just hang up on me. Well I won't wait for him either." I laugh then frown because weirdly my chest hurts.

I turn on my camera and fix my phone where it can clearly show my face. I need to watch myself driving, so I can do it carefully.

A sob racks through me suddenly and I realize I miss my dad so much. I miss him so much.

I'm full on crying now and the tears won't stop. So I let the noise of my wailing distract me as I drive safely.

I can see clearly, but I don't understand why everyones making so much noise. I'm clearly the only person bothering to drive carefully. They're so stupidly crisscrossing each other. I laugh. Fucking amateurs.

Okay time to really get home. I pick up speed and keep driving. "Whoo!" I open the window and hoot! "My driving skills are on fire today!" I shout, tears forgotten.

Then, in an instant it happens. The screeching of tires and the crash, but it all takes place in a second.

I don't know what happens, but black colors my vision.

CherrySeries #1: Bad For My Health [MxM] Where stories live. Discover now