4| Heart Sounds

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I hear his voice before I see him, before he comes into view.

The next time my doctor gets in, I can't take my eyes off him.

I see his mouth moving but there's not much I can comprehend.

I don't know how long he stands there before he narrows his eyes at me and for a moment I see worry in them. "Aidan."

God I love the way he says my name.

He comes closer to me and speaks. "You can speak right?"

"Y-es–" I stop myself before I could say something embarrassing.

"How are you feeling?" He asks then smiles at me.

I am just about ready to die. I don't see myself getting well any time soon. I'd rather not get well. I shrug happily.

"Your vitals are still steady. To my relief, they've been, since you fainted two days ago. How much pain were you in when that happened?"

"Did you say two days?" I am genuinely surprised, thinking that it should have been half a day tops.

"Yes, two days. But it's great to get a reaction from you," he says.

My doctor scribbles something down and plugs his stethoscope in his ears, bringing the other end towards me to rest on my chest, right above my heart.

He is so close that if my legs worked fine, I just might have bolted out the door. He smells heavenly.

This is going to be embarrassing.

"Your heart is beating unusually fast," he says in his sexy deep voice that could bruise me. "You've got to tell me Aidan, how much pain are you in?"

"Oh, it's not so bad," I say half of it, the other half only inside my head.

How can he not know why my heart is pounding so much? He doesn't even need a fucking stethoscope to hear it.

"You're so brave aren't you?" He asks in response to my reply. It is one of the most trying moments of my life.

"Yes–" Yes I am. I so am. I want to tell him so bad. "I mean no... nah."

He chuckles and my cheeks warm.

"I'm going to trust you, okay? As long as you tell me the truth."

I nod, then he puts some distance between us. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

After regaining my composure, I ask what I'm dying to know.

"What is your name?" I try and fail to look directly at him.

He looks at me skeptically. "I told you when I got in, but I guess you didn't hear me. I'm doctor Garza."

"What is your other name?" I know that if I was healed, I might have been throwing my most seductive eyes at him.

"Luis," he said without really focusing on me. I watch his strong hands just for the sake of it.

How would they feel if they touched me? Really touched me.

"I'm going to call you Luis," I tell him.

I finally have his full attention again. He looks intrigued. "Sure."

I don't know how he knows but my face must be have been showing it. "Are you in pain?" He asks me.

"A little," I lie, already breaking our little agreement. Weirdly, I feel like he knows I'm lying.

"I'm going to put you to sleep okay?" He says. "You should be resting but you are in pain."

"I'll be dreaming of you," I tell him, my voice already lazy.

I can't wait for the next time I wake up because I want to see him. I'm so attracted to him it's absurd.

I don't hear his reply as my eyes close.


The next time I wake up, a nurse brings me what to eat. She has a lovely smile but she isn't whom I want to see.

I turn my head when she holds the spoon to my mouth.

She looks confused. "Aidan, you have to eat."

"I want Luis," I say stubbornly.

"Luis?" She asks.

"Doctor Garza," I cross my arms. "Or I'm not eating."

CherrySeries #1: Bad For My Health [MxM] Where stories live. Discover now