Chapter 17

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Lira's POV

He doesn't understand what he did. He didn't chase after me, he didn't stop me. Not that I wanted him to but I was lied to. He said he trusted me yet he threw it back in my face.

Fuck. I liked him. I liked him a lot.

He was just so different. So clever and fun. That night at the ball, I was so close to not attending but Admir made me go. He said I should go to these fucking social events.

I just assumed it was a normal night. Men leered in my direction all night long, fucking pigs. But then I saw him. He was absolutely handsome. He carried himself with such power I guess I found that attractive. He was nervous when he talked to me and I found that even more attractive.

He was the most powerful man in the room yet he was nervous to talk to me. He didn't even know who I was. That was fucking unbelievable.

So I spent time with him, I loved teasing him and having fun. Admir was the boss of our Mafia but he didn't know how to have fun. But he did.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard him talking to Raphael about spying on me. He didn't trust me. I can understand why. I truly do and maybe I was being a little too harsh on him.

But he doesn't get it. If he's scared then I'm petrified. I let him get close to me. I told him things about myself I haven't told anyone. But I can't do it. How could I possibly stay with him knowing he didn't trust me.

Fuck, I feel horrible. I saw the way he looked at me. He was a man who's heart was being crushed and I let it happen. I enabled it. I could have kept my mouth shut but what he did would eat me alive. So I walked away. I thought it would make me feel better. I didn't know him that much so why did it hurt. It hurt so much.

I rushed off into the dark night not looking back. Packing everything into my suitcase, I called for a private jet. I had to go. I couldn't stay here. Perhaps if I went home, it would be easier.

In two hours time I was in the air, flying home, putting distance between us. I'm not someone to run away from things but he had truly upset me. I was so tired but sleep was next to impossible. All I could think about was him. He was so kind especially to me. He was also ruthless and unforgiving. I liked it so damn much.

I liked him, so I teased him endlessly. I didn't kiss him even though I wanted to. After all making him wait would be all the more fun. Making him wait would make it all the more sweeter. But now, I wouldn't get to taste his soft lips. I wouldn't be able to ruffle his dark curls. I wouldn't be able to hold his hand in mines.

He did this. Not me.

He fucked up. Not me.

But why did I feel like shit.

Once the plane landed, I made my way straight home. I did not need any guards. Not here in Albania. Everyone feared Admir and I. Him more so me but still no would dare to cross me.

I didn't know how I felt. I was angry as fuck, the feeling of betrayal and lost trust killed me, especially from him. What could I do? I felt like drowning my sorrows in the nearest bar but something in my mind told me to go home.

So I stood outside our home, it was early morning. The sky was bright and happy. Birds tweeted in the nearby trees which again made me feel heartbroken. The large mansion was quiet which was typical for a Saturday.

I sighed and looked down at the marble floor. What the fuck do I do now?

After a few minutes, I pushed open the door and walked inside. My shoes clicked against the floor and I instantly felt at home. I forgot how good it was to be at home. All the time I spent with him, it made me forget.

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