Chapter 54

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Lira drove me home. There was nothing more I could do. I couldn't find Isabella, I couldn't protect Raf and I bowed down before that fucking man. He must have found it hysterical.

I felt like a complete and utter failure.

"I'm going to call around, see if anyone's heard anything." Lira spoke not looking up from her phone. I noticed that her eyes and body longed to just rest but she was on edge just like I was. She sat down onto the sofa with a heavy exhausted sigh. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. I didn't even acknowledge her, I couldn't think.

I walked off, away from her and upstairs to my room so I was alone. My lips couldn't bother to smile, my eyes couldn't look up from the floor. I was a mess and that was nothing compared to what Isabella and Raf were going through. My heart kept pounding away in my chest.

I felt a sickness in the pit of my stomach. Guilt. I was a fucking Mafia boss yet I had let that bastard overpower me. I didn't see it coming. Well why would I have. Uncle Kaden renounced  the Mafia lifestyle but he was still able enough to protect his family. I don't know what the fuck happened.

I sniffed and rubbed my face. I know what could help. I opened the door to my parents empty bedroom. It was large and decorated minimally. Walking over to my moms bed side table, I contemplated many things in my head. But nothing. If only I knew where Isabella was being kept. Fuck. I fucked it up. Me and my petty disagreements with James fucking Cain. I should have just murdered the man. I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it.

I rifled through my moms drawer and it was on the very top. I picked up the little bag of white powder and held it between my finger tips. I blew out a breath and sat down on the bed, looking down at the bag.

"Enzo...." Lira's voice trailed off. I didn't look up. She sighed and I heard her walk over to me. The bed dipped slightly as she sat down beside me. She sighed. "I don't want you to do that." She said quietly. "Please don' might seem like it'll help but it won't. You'll take it, forget everything but then you'll become sober and it'll hurt more." She continued. She reached with her hand and gently grabbed the bag of cocaine off me.

"Let's go down." She stood up and held out her hand for me. I exhaled and stopped tears from forming. I went down with her into the kitchen. It was quiet and cold. Perhaps I was just cold. The maid put on some fresh coffee and made a sandwich for us both. I looked down at the sandwich. I was hungry but the guilt prevailed. "Just eat some. We need to think of a plan." Lira tilted her head at me.

"Fuck it. What's the point. I can't find her." I growled with my fists clenched. I'm ashamed of myself. "Fucking stop it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and let's make a fucking plan." Lira said loudly. I looked up at her. "Fuck off." I swore.

She scoffed and took a bite of her sandwich. Then she sipped her coffee. She looked at me and licked her lips. "The Enzo I know and love would not be acting like this, so let's make a fucking plan and save them." She smiled gently.

I sighed and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it, I breathed it in. Perhaps the nicotine would knock some sense into me. "You're right." I exhaled sharply. "I just don't know how." I added as I continued to smoke to avoid eating. Lira sipped her coffee. "When he came close to me, I saw something white like chalk on his shoes." She said.

"Chalk?...perhaps limestone..he's got them in a quarry. Shit. There's almost three hundred quarries that produce limestone." I pulled out my phone and called a contact. When I replaced the phone down I looked at Lira with a smile. "I'm sorry for swearing at you. I didn't mean it."

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