Biological Parents (1/3) || 13

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*Requested by ClowneryQueen*


Note: This chapter does NOT affect any other chapter in context of this book. The plot and storyline mentioned here has a separate approach from the rest.


Aera flinched suddenly hearing a shattering noise behind her, turning around on her heels, she quickly crouched down helping the lady worker who had dropped the glass jar with candies accidentally. The lady smiled at her thankfully as they gathered all the little candies wrapped in different colored plastic wraps.

"You can have some" She said.

"Uh no no, its fine." Aera said, standing up and dusting her hands off before she grabbed a bag of chips and a few chocolate bars. "That's all I want."

"Alright, thanks for helping me though."

"No problem" Aera chimed, bowing slightly before walking towards the counter to get her favourite snacks.

"Thanks for coming, have a nice weekend." The cashier said, handing her the white plastic bag with the items she bought. Aera smiled back before leaving the store and jogged towards the other side of the street as the signal was red for the vehicles.

She fished out a bar of white milk chocolate, eating it while on her way back home. After crossing a few blocks, she could see a familiar body standing near a black car. Her motions hastened, quickly stuffing the wrapper in her pocket, she wiped her mouth with her sleeve and gained her posture jogging to the porch of the house where her brother stood.

"Where were you?" Jimin asked strictly, "How many times do I need to tell you to come back before it gets dark?"

"I'm sorry oppa, I was getting some snacks so it took a little bit longer and then I started walking slowly because I was tired..." She said, handing him the bag. Jimin frowned, peeking in the bag and seeing a two chocolate bars and a bag of chips.

"You had the money with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little bit, Koo gave me a few days back." She answered, following her brother inside the house.

"God! Aera where were you?" Jungkook said, trapping her in a big hug as soon as she entered the living room.

"Wow, did you miss me that much in just a few hours?" She laughed, looking up at his face that was filled with concern and his eyes reflecting fear. "What happened? Why are you so stressed?"

"I wa-"

"He just came back and didn't find you at home that's why" Jimin said quickly covering up for his brother. He eyed the younger to pull himself together and filter his words before letting them out.

"Uh yeah... I just thought you'd be at home and... but you weren't, so I was just kinda worried. Uh you know its just-"

"Big brother thing?" Aera added to his statement making him sigh in relief and chuckle softly, nodding his head.

"Yeah, big brother thing."

Aera giggled, turning to grab the bag from Jimin and showing it to Jungkook, "I bought chocolates and chips."

"Wow, great" Jungkook said, instantly diving his hand in to grab the bag of chips.

"Doesn't it feel like I'm the eldest and I came back with treats for my younger siblings?" She said excitedly, making the elders laugh.

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 & 𝐌𝐞 || 𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now