Saturation Point || 14

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"get out now! ten rounds of the basketball court. stop any less than that, you'll be cleaning the court too."

"but sir i didn-"

"get out i said." the man points at the door, his eyes emitting glares at the girl ignoring the tears forming in her eyes as she flinches at his harsh tone of voice.

aera takes a deep breath, walking out of the door, leaving the class at peace as according to her history teacher she was nothing more than a disturbance. although her attempts to reason him that she wasn't talking but helping out the boy next to her who apparently didn't know where the teacher was reading, had no effect on the man and he stayed firm on his decision that she was indeed doing nothing but disturbing that child by talking to him midlesson. even the boy didn't voice up for her.

she wipes her tears, exiting the main building and stops eventually in front of the basketball court. her eyes scan around the empty place as all the students are busy with their classes and not a single soul is present here right now.  she unzips her jacket, placing it on the side near the pole and wipes her tears, taking a deep breath before starting with to run.

fourth round was done when a few students arrived in the court, aera doesn't pay a dingle glance and continues with her run, wanting to get done with the punishment as soon as possible. by the end of the sixth round she felt her feet slowing down and breath already getting uneven with the heartbeat racing like crazy. she stops for a moment, leaning forwarded with her hands placed on her knees, panting out tiredly when her ears make out a few voices laughing nearby.

her head lifts up, stealing a brief glance at the boys a few feet away, laughing at her, "tired already, aera? come on start tunning again. you must really love getting punishments, that's why you keep getting into trouble right?" one of them mocks, followed by the other, "yeah, what did you do this time? fight? curse?"

"i didn't do anything." aera scoffs at them, wiping the sweat from her forehead on the sleeve of her shirt, and stands straight, ready to continue with the punishment.

"then why are you here dummy?" the kids laugh. "you failed math and history didn't you? you're gonna get punished at home too!"

"why do i hear you barking asshole?" the girl cracks her neck, making the boys go quiet and she smirks, dusting her hands before starting to run again.

"i'll tell mr park!" one of the boys shout.

"what else can you do?" aera replies, "go and mind your own business. i wasn't the one who started talking nonsense."

"yeah?" another voice says, a more heavy abd serious one, making aera stop at her place staring at the teacher with wide eyes. "you've talking a lot lately isn't it?" he glares at her.

"i'm sorry, sir. they were making fun of me. do i just replied to them." aera justifies, earning a deep sigh of frustration from the teacher.

"i heard the way you were referring to them, aera. you're so spoiled! fighting, cursing, talking back to the teachers! you're not even good in studies, just keep playing around all the time. mark my words, all this will do no good. you're messing up your life aera, and you'll regret this when you end up with nothing but failure!"

aera states at her feet, feeling the tears returning in her eyes she fiddles with her hands, nodding at her teachers words, "i'm s-"

"no, don't say anything. just be quiet and complete your punishment that will be enough of a favour from you." he says, massaging his temples and turns on his heals, "brat" his voice mutters under his breath, leaving the girl alone.

"i'm sorry..." she whispers as tears flow from her eyes coursing down her cheeks. hands slowly lift up to wipe them off, ignoring the mocking laugh in the background for her mind repeats the number if times her teachers have punished her on being wrongly accused just because the kids don't take a stand to hide their mistake or at least support her.

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