Memories Special || Hobi x Riri

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[aera: 04 years old]

"hi hobi oppa," aera waves at hoseok, chin resting on yoongi's shoulder as he had been carrying her after she complained about being tired of walking. hoseok, who's walking right after yoongi, smiles at the little girl, waving back at her only to see her giggling and hiding her face in the fabric of yoongi's shirt.

"what happened?" yoongi holds her straight and hoseok shrugs his shoulders, still laughing as aera cackles playfully, leaning towards him with her arms open. "yeah, hoba take her for a while," hoseok takes the four-year-old in his arms, letting yoongi wander off for a while probably to the restroom. meanwhile aera stares at him, poking the dimples at the end of his smile and tries to smile in the similar way.

"riri have this?" she asks, pointing at her cheeks and hoseok laughs, shaking his head, making her pout cutely, "why? riri wan' pwetty smile. hobi oppa, you havin' so pwetty smile!"

"thank you, angel," he kisses her cheek, "now try smiling. maybe you got a dimple?" aera gasps, smiling quickly and tilts her head, waiting for a compliment, thinking that she indeed got a dimple after hoseok kissed her. "ah i think we need a few more kisses,"

"gi'mme— riri kissies!" aera jumps in her place, her hands on hoseok's shoulder while he can't hold back his laughter and kisses either side of her face, loving how she thinks his kisses will give her dimples.


"appa!" aera runs to yoongi and the rest of the boys, smiling all the way to them and stops, pointing at her lips, "riri have so pwetty smile! hobi oppa kiss riri and i' having so— pwetty smile like him!"

the boys chuckle at her, ruffling her hair as taehyung carries her up in his arms and asks, "can you kiss me so i have a pretty smile too?"

"mm'no," she shakes her head, wriggling to get down and moves back to hoseok, "only hobi oppa and riri will havin' pwetty smile. bye-bye taetae,"


🦄 BUGS 🦄
[aera: 5 years old]

"kim taehyung!" hoseok screams on top of his lungs, making aera flinch. she glances at jimin, who's just as shocked hearing hoseok's terrified voice from the backyard while taehyung and jungkook are laughing, probably at him.

"these guys," jimin shakes his head, picking another piece of the strawberry with the fork and holds it in front of aera's mouth. she takes the bite, standing up and looks in the direction of the window from where she can see hoseok standing close to the pole of her swing set, scared of something. "do you wanna go out? let's go and see what tae and kook are doing to scare hobi oppa that bad," jimin chuckles, taking the bowl of fruits with him as aera jumps down from the chair and follows him out.

"hobi oppa!" she runs to hoseok, "what happened? why are you scared?"

"there's a bug!" hoseok lets out like a cry, pointing at his sleeve with trembling hands. aera frowns at that, stepping closer despite him telling her not to risk her life against a bug. but the girl catches it without a second thought, showing it to hoseok, "leave it! it'll bite you, aera. let go of that creature!"

"it doesn't bite, oppa. it's okay," she says, petting the bug with her free hand.

"you're the nicest person here, ri. tae and kook kept laughing and didn't even help me," hoseok shakes his head in disappointment, getting a nod from the girl. she turns to the laughing boys, walking up to them as they don't pay much attention to her, giving her the opportunity to place the bug on jungkook's t-shirt.

"hey! keep that away," jungkook hisses, shutting up when the bug jumps out of his grasp and sits on the hem of his t-shirt, close to his neck. taehyung goes to grab it this time, but it misses again, disappearing inside jungkook's t-shirt, making the boy panic a little.

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