Astray (3/4) || 14

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aera stirs a little, waking up in a much softer place than where she fell asleep at night. her brows scrunch together sleepily as she makes out a room with cream-colored walls glowing a little in golden with the sunlight falling directly from the glass window. sitting up against the cushioned headboard, her hand slowly caresses the soft comforters; soft like the one she had back at home in her room.

there's a glass of water on the nightstand, which has her hesitating to take it or not. however the desire for water dies when the absence of charley dawns upon her, making her spring up on her feet, looking around.

"charley" her voice calls, laden with fear as she exits the room searching for her only support, with her dark, doe eyes filled with tears.

she walks out, reaching the lounge area where she slept with charley in the first place after refusing jimin's offer of taking the guest room. she reaches behind the couch, not being able to locate the german shepherd with her blurry vision.

"hey what happen-"

"where's charley?!" she glares at jungkook, pushing his hand away from her shoulder, "you're crazy! why did you bring me here if all you wanna do is hurt me?! first you threw my locket and now you took charley! what did i ever do to you?! if you don't want me here then why did you stop me from leaving yesterday?! i hate y-"

"aera," a voice says, softer and calmer, making the girl turn around, seeing jimin standing there, "charley's alright. tae's feeding him, he was hungry."

"f-feeding him?"

"yeah, come with me." he smiles softly, holding out his hand. aera wipes her tears, taking his hand hesitantly and follows him to the kitchen where some of the guys are having their breakfast and the dog too, is eagerly eating from a bowl on the floor with taehyung smiling at him.

a soft sob leaves her lips as she goes beside charley and kneels down, hugging him tightly, shedding pearly tears against his soft coat. "i thought i lost you..." she sobs, grabbing attention from the seven males, who stare at her with sympathetic eyes, acknowledging how much the dog must mean to her.

charley barks in response, wagging his tail as he leaves his food and turns to face the girl, licking her face until she's not crying anymore. he barks again, nuzzling his face against her cheek and neck.

"i was so scared," she whispers, kissing the side of his head and rubs her eyes, glancing at the man who is crouching near them, smiling fondly at their interaction.

"i thought he must be hungry, so i brought him here to give some food." taehyung confesses, "i'm sorry, i should've asked you first."

"it's okay, thanks for feeding him." aera mumbles, "he didn't eat anything in three days."

"three days?" several gasps are heard as aera nods slowly.

"i ran away three days ago." she says, petting charley as he pushes her down now, licking her face, letting her know that he's completely recharged now after getting a good sleep and food.

"okay okay, stop and eat your food now." she says, pushing him back and stands up, looking at jimin and smiles a little, "thank you, uhm and sorry for shouting at your brother. i thought he- he hurted charley..."

jimin nods in response, "it's fine. come, have a seat, you must be hungry as well."

"uh no i'm okay." she says glancing at the food that despite smelling delicious might be poisoned or drugged. that's when she realises charley's might be unsafe too. so her hand tugs the collar of the dog pulling him away and takes a step back.

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