Ouch || 02

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jungkook as riri's daddy


"daddy?" aera peeks at jungkook's face, standing in front of the couch where he's asleep. his tattooed arm covers his eyes, blocking the bright lights from disrupting his sleep, and earpods playing soft music in his ears to distract him from the deadly headache that arose in the middle of the night.

"aera, c'mere," yoona smiles at the toddler, holding her son in her lap as she's feeding him, "do you wanna eat too?" aera shakes her head, climbing next to jin's wife, watching the baby boy who's eighteen months old already.

"baby hungwy," she giggles, shifting closer to the mother-son duo, making yoona chuckle as she glances at her husband and yoongi sitting across them.

"yes, minsuk's having his lunch, then he'll take a nap," yoona tells aera, stroking her hair gently, "and i think riri should eat something as well," aera shakes her head, slipping down from the couch, going back to her sleeping father.

"hey, let daddy rest for sometime, aera," jin says, standing up as he carries aera in his arms, "daddy's a bit tired. he'll take a nap and get a lot of energy to play with our princess. is that okay?"

"daddy icky?" aera frowns, staring at jungkook and pouts, reaching out to go to him. however, jin tries to engage her in a different conversation, taking her away from jungkook, which only makes the toddler whine out and squirm in his arms. "daddy!"

hearing aera crying, baby minsuk starts crying as well, making yoona sigh. she stands up finally, keeping the bowl of their son's meal on the table and approaches her husband, "you feed minsuk, i'll take her to haewon," she offers, earning a nod from jin.

"hey, it's all right, i'll take her. you guys can watch your kids," yoongi chuckles, taking aera from jin and pats her back, returning jin and his wife's warm smiles.

"who's crying?" jungkook grumbles, opening his eyes with a deep sigh as two toddlers keep wailing out in their high pitched voices, especially minsuk's. "noona!" he calls, standing up and stretches his body.

"which one?" one of the ladies reply from inside.

"anyone without kids right now!"

"what?" haewon walks out with chaeyong (yoongi's wife), tying up her hair into a bun as she goes to jungkook first, touching his forehead and shakes her head, "you need to take another aspirin i guess. your fever didn't go down a bit,"

"poor boy," chaeyong strokes jungkook's hair amd he glances at yoongi for a brief second before focusing on the elder girls again. he nods slowly, sitting down with a deep breath,

"my head feels like it'll explode now,"

"you should go in and rest," yoona says, "and for god's sake, take those earpods off,"

"yeah, she's right," chaeyong nods, "you can tell any of us if you need something, okay?"

"thanks," jungkook mumbles, glancing at his daughter and sighs, opening his arms for her, "why are you crying?" he asks, bringing her on his lap as yoongi makes her sit near him. aera rubs her eyes, sniffling softly and hugs jungkook tightly.

"mish you daddy..."

"but i'm right here, princess,"

"mm-hmm," aera nods and jungkook sighs softly, massaging his forehead with one hand and holds his daughter with his free arm.

"okay, do you wanna sleep?"


"no? then go and play outside. doyun and jiwon oppa are there, iseul is there too,"

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