Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Annalisa's mind had woken up before her body did. She felt something soft under her and it made her confused. Suddenly, she remembered the events that occured before and it had her body jerking awake.

Panting slightly, Annalisa tried to calm down her racing heart. She broke into a cold sweat when she remembered how the demon chewed on a chunk of her flesh and left her on the pavement. It made fear creep into her heart once again. Where is he?

Then another thought came to mind. With wide eyes she took in the darken room with confusion. What the hell? How did I end up here? It's so dark I can't even see my own hand.

Annalisa tried sit up and move her hands but to her misfortune. A cold and heavy chain restricted her from moving her hands or feet. She squinted into the room, but couldn't see a single thing. She laid back on the bed with a huff. She wanted to escape so badly.

She didn't want to stay here not a single second longer. It confused her that the demon didn't kill her like she wanted. She'd rather die than to be this demon's slave for the rest of her life. Plus she was terrified of what he would do to her, he would cause torment to her she was sure of it.

She was surprised that she didn't feel any pain from the multiple injuries she had.

There was no way they just healed overnight, then again Annalisa didn't even know how long she been out. It could've been days or weeks already. It made her wonder how long she been captured. Her tongue was dry as the Sahara desert and her stomach was growling so hard. She was afraid her stomach would start eating itself. She sure did feel like she's been out for a couple of days or more. So it was possible.

She turned her head to side since it began to ache from the position she had it on the bed. To her horror she was staring into two glowing red eyes. A startled scream escaped her throat as she tried her best to move away her body from them. A dark, evil laugh resounded around the room, then she froze. I'm completely helpless, I can't move oh god. What is that thing?

Annalisa began to hyperventilate as she felt something wet and slimy slither across her body. It was so heavy against her, that it threatened to snatch away all the oxygen from her lungs. She wanted to scream but she didn't want to be deaf. Lord knows she had lungs on her and it was really painful to endure. Plus she been screaming so much it had her throat aching. Even that little scream before had her throat pulsing in pain.

She glanced up when she felt more pressure on her chest. She could vaguely see the outline of a body, she wasn't sure if it was human though. It had terror overcome her body and she started to struggle against the chains.

"Get off of me!" Annalisa shouted as she felt the thing hover over her face. She could feel it's eyes staring holes into her face, it was making her want to cower away but she didn't.

"Get the hell away from me!" She screeched, while moving her body to push it off of her. She wanted to vomit when she felt something wet drip her face. It slid down into her mouth like it had a mind of it's own.

Her eyes widened as she gagged on the slimy liquid. Her stomach was churning and it was disgusting her to no end. She tried to spit it out but it only continued to travel down her throat. She was didn't want to panic but she couldn't overcome the blind terror that she felt.

Then out of no where, hands pried her mouth open and she felt them reach into her mouth and grab the gooey worm from out of her throat. She swore that the thing above her ate it. It took everything in her to hold down the bile that was trying to come up. She was fuming with anger for that thing sitting on her chest. How disgusting! What was that it put in my mouth? How fucking gross. If I ever get free I'm going to get that thing for doing that. I bet it won't spit anything else in someone's mouth again.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now