Chapter 9

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Chapter  9

Her scream was bone shattering and it echoed throughout her entire apartment. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, her whole body violently trembled all over.

There in her own living room was one of them. The creature's body had cuts and blisters scattered in various places with pus and maggots seeping out in large amounts on the plush carpets. It's claws were the length of her own hand, the eyes were endless pools of blackness that sent fear rushing into her soul.

There laying unconscious bloody and beaten was her father. His body was twisted in some odd angle, thrown near her coffee table. Blood gushed from an open wound on his arm, it stained her carpet a dark red.

She vaguely heard Slade approaching her from behind but her gaze didn't waver from the scene. Annalisa was torn between checking to see if her father was alive or to figure out a way to get that monster out of her living room. Unfortunately, her decision was made by the beast because he charged at her full force. His claws dug into her stomach as he shoved her. It knocked the wind right out of her and she flew into Slade who was behind her.

They both landed in a heap in her kitchen, her head smashed into the counter and left her disoriented. Slade groaned as he placed a hand on his injured side that took all the force from the fall. He gritting his teeth as he struggled to stand. He gave his other hand to Annalisa as he helped her stand. She clasped her hand in his as she stumbled on her feet. Black dots blurred her vision for a brief moment. She lifted her fingers to her scalp and glanced at her hand. Blood stained her fingers, quickly looking up. She stood up and tried to regain her footing but the creature was quick. And it grabbed the front of her shirt and yanked her into him. It wrapped it's maggot infested hand around her throat as he lifted her into the air.

Her air supply was cut off as it tightened it's claws around her neck. She tried to claw at it's hand so it could release her but was unsuccessful. She could feel the maggots crawling all over her neck and face. It made bile rise in throat, she struggled not to vomit.

Her body throbbed and ached she wanted to just give up but instead she clumsily swung her legs. She could hear Slade shouting in the background and the thumping of him hitting the creature. She tried to keep her focus as her vision started to darken. Panicking, she flailed her arms and legs around hoping to make the monster release her. 

A single tear slid down her face as her world went dark.


Her mind woke up before she opened her eyes, she strained her ears for any sounds but heard none. Her body was laying on something cold and hard, it made her back ache. Her eyes fluttered open and she took in her surroundings. She glanced around in confusion, the place she was in certainly wasn't her apartment. It looked like a dungeon. The entire room was made up of red bricks and in front of her was black bars that caged her in. No windows or furniture. The room was empty. She slowly sat up and grimaced at the pain the spread through her abdomen. Shaking her head from the distraction she continued to look around.

Panic seeped in her bones as she tried to sit up, this place was unfamiliar. A bad feeling was creeping into the pit of her stomach and it made her want to puke. She froze when she heard soft breathing next to her. Slowly, she turned her head to the sleeping figure next to her. She let out a breath of relief when she noticed it was only Slade.

She roughly shook him awake "Slade," She whispered frantically, "Slade!"

He groaned as he rolled over, he opened his eyes. "What the hell? Where are we?" He questioned as he sat up next to Annalisa.

"Do I look like I know?" She snapped as ran a hand through her hair. She tried to stand up and walk but realized something was restricting her movement. Glancing down her eyes widened when she saw the thick chain locked around her ankles.

"No no!" She exclaimed as she yanked on the chains. She tugged but she knew it was no use sighing as she slumped against the wall. She buried her face in hands as tears welled up in her eyes. I'm stuck here with Slade and I know that monster put me here. I'll never see the light of day ever again.

"Annalisa," He called out but she only ignored him, she didn't want to talk to him. She wanted to be left alone now that she know there is no hope of getting saved or even running away.

She felt him place his hand on knee as he roughly shook her. "Look Annalisa ,I don't have time for this. You dragged me into this. We're going to find a way out. So stop crying and act your age for once." He spat coldly, his voice sent shivers down her spine. A part of her was sick of his mean cold attitude but the other part understood were all this hostility came from. If someone dragged her into all this mayhem she wouldn't be too nice either.

Suddenly, she felt guilty for bringing him into this. It was her fault that he now shared the same fate as her. "I'm so sorry Slade. I knew I should've just tried to keep you out of this. This is all my fault," She cried as lifted her head and tightly gripped his arm.

He grimaced as he yanked his arm out of her grip. "Can you just stop? Your apologies don't solve anything so shut the hell up." She huffed as he put a safe distance in between them.

All sympathy she felt for him vanished and she scowled as she wiped her tears. "You're such a bastard. You know what? I take that apology back." She snarled as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Do you think I give a damn about you taking back your apology?" He said emotionlessly, as his green eyes flared. Annalisa doesn't respond because she knows that if she did she might cry. Annalisa felt so stupid for forgetting that Slade was like this, she thought maybe they could at least be friends. I guess I should just kill that thought. Right now I shouldn't be concerned with making friends I need to be concerned with saving my life.

As that thought crossed her mind, she heard the sound of a key rattling the lock and creek of the bars being opened.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now