Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Annalisa quietly trailed behind Lucius, she tried her best to ignore his grip on her wrist, dragging her along. Annalisa wanted nothing more than to go home and get in her bed, but now she knew that was not even possible. Especially with how things turned out for her. She's exhausted mentally and she wanted time to think about everything that happened. She knew that once she alone, all the emotions she was holding in was going to spill over.

Not only that she was also frighten for what may happen to her. Her life could be taken away at any moment, and she didn't want to die. She was only 22 years old and she had her whole life ahead of her and the last thing she wanted was for it to be taken away, because of something someone else did.

She blinked away the tears that threaten to come out of her eyes. She shook her head and tried to make those thoughts disappear. She decided to focus on something else, so she took in her surrounding, he was still leading her down the darkened hallway. Suddenly she became aware of how tight his grip on her wrist became.

"Damn, if hold my wrist any tighter you'll break it!" She snapped with irritation as she tugged her arm. It only took him only one second to abruptly stop. He slowly turned around and shot her glare that was so deadly, she actually cowered back.

He grabbed a hold of her blonde locks and jerked her head so far back she winced. Maybe I need to learn how to shut my mouth, oh god he might actually kill me now. Annalisa thought with remorse.

He stared down at her, while she struggled in his grip. All of a sudden, Annalisa felt a cold piece of metal on her neck, that halted all of her movements. He dug the knife into her skin so deep, that blood slowly dripped down her shirt. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she felt the burning sensation where the cut was.

"Don't say another word to me human. Or else I will dispose of you." He hissed as he added more pressure on her throat. She hastly nodded and as tears ran down her face from the pain.

He dropped his hand from her hair and tucked the blade into his pocket and turned around to finish his journey down the corridor. She covered the long cut on her neck with her hand and held her breath as she followed him. Annalisa was fuming and she wanted nothing more than to take it out on him, but if she wanted to live, she knew she couldn't act on that impluse.

They walked in silence until they reached a huge brown door decorated with spiral designs. She stopped behind him, her arms crossed over her chest with an annoyed look on her face. He slowly pushed the door opened and grabbed her arm with brute force. She glared the back of his head, until she looked around the room and realized that she was in the room filled with people sitting at a large table. The room was very small and empty, the only thing in there was a large wooden table with wooden chairs, they was seated in. They were talking among themselves until they saw her.

She tried to keep her face blank, but it hard to do when so many people were staring at her with such hate. Annalisa had no clue as to what she did to deserve to glared at like this. She never even met these people in her life.

They looked so disgusted with her, she never had someone look at her like this. The more she looked around, the more she noticed how they all looked so evil and inhuman. They looked like creatures of hell. Then she saw two familiar faces and her heart dropped.

"My greetings Royals, I know many of you were aware I finally located her." Luicus said with glee. "Now we can discuss her fate,"

Annalisa made at face at him and rolled her eyes. "Just kill me already," She muttered annoyed. As soon as she spoke, all eyes turned on her. How they all was able to hear that whisper was beyond her.

"You heard her, just kill her. She has no use to us anyways," Slade said with a shrug as he leaned back in his chair smugly. He gave her wink in which she flipped him the bird in return. She bit her lower lip to keep her tears back.

"He's right," Ella agreed with a nod. "But it should be in front of the entire underworld though, so they are able to witness the victory of our nation,"

Annalisa tried to swallow the lump in her throat, she wanted nothing more than to run away. The betrayal burned in her gut and she wanted to kill them with her bare hands. How could they do this to her? Why?

A few others agreed with that idea, mumurs were heard all around the small room, but a beautiful redhead spoke up. "Maybe we could use her as leverage, to lure her parents back," Her eyes were a vivid blue. A shiver ran her spine.

Lucius snapped his fingers. "That idea is gold, and that is all for now you all are dismissed,"

Everyone rose from their seats, heading towards the doorway to leave. A few people shoved her, the force almost knocked her into a heap on the floor Annalisa huffed trying to stay on her feet. One girl in particular hissed. "Don't you ever let me catch you alone you bitch."

Annalisa was so happy when the room was deserted with only a few people lingering around. She never got trampled like that before, these creature really didn't like her. Not that she cared, she didn't like them either.

Once she noticed Slade and Ella, she was burning with rage, but she swallowed down the urge to slice them into little pieces. When they started to walk in her direction, she stood up straight and put her mask in place.

"Looks like you were able to live just a little while longer, Congrats " Ella sneered as she looked Annalisa up and down with a disgusted look.

"Lucky me I know," Annalisa spat with crossed arms. It took everything in her to not wrap her hands around Ella throat and choke the life out of her.

She noticed that over Ella's shoulder, Lucuis waved her over with an impatient look. Annalisa rolled eyes, the last thing she wanted to do was go with him anywhere.

Slade opened his mouth to talk but Annalisa held up her hand "This conversation is over. You're done talking to me," She said coldly and with that she turned on her heel and walked out the room after Lucius.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now