The Diary

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I just want to let you guys know that this will be the shortest chapter in this book. This chapter is about 350 words but I promise that all other chapters will be 1000-2000 words. The first couple of chapters are okay, but I got much better as an author the more the story progresses.

Please comment and vote. I want to know what you guys think about this story. Helpful criticism is WANTED! I want this story to be the best that it can be!

I couldn't believe what I was reading. My mother had died just a few days ago and it was in her will that I was to receive her diary. When I first opened it I was expecting to find mushy, lovey, dovey stuff that I would never be interested in in my entire life. What I didn't expect however was a post-it note on the first page.

"Tony, I can not express to you how sorry I am for what lies within these pages. I hope that one day you might even find her. I have regretted what I have done every day since I did it. please forgive me. Skip to page 92 to know want I am talking about."

- Maria

What is she talking about? who is "her"? I had no idea what she was talking about. I quickly skipped to page 92 and started to read.

'Diary, this was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I still can't believe that I even went through with it. Today I gave birth to a child that was not of my husband, Howard Stark, but of Sammy Valdez. Everyone just assumed that it was Howard's, but if he were to know of this he would know that it wasn't. He has been off on business with my son Tony for the last year. I didn't have the heart for abortion but I cannot keep her. Just an hour after she was born I paid the nurses to fake her death. I secretly left the hospital and gave her to sammy to raise. She should have a good life with him. Maybe one day I might even find her. The only thing I had time to do was name her . Her name is Esperanza Valdez.'

I have a sister? I HAVE A SISTER! This cannot be happening. How could my own mother do something like this and not even tell me, her only son. Does she not care about my feeling towards this.

"I have a sister." I whispered, as it finnaly became real to me. I must find her... Esperanza Valdez.

"JARVIS, give me everything you got on Esperanza Valdez."

"Right away sir."

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