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"Sir, I have everything on Miss Valdez." JARVIS told me as everything known to mankind about Esperanza Valdez pulled up on the holographic screen.

"Great job JARVIS. Pull up  her current address." I told JARVIS expecting her house to show up on the screen any second.

"Sir?" JARVIS replied with a hint of nervousness. He has never spoken in that tone before. I could tell that whatever he was going to say had to be important.

"Yes?" I replied with the same tone of nervousness that JARVIS has displayed just moments before.

"Miss Valdez has been deceased since June 2005" (A/N I don't know if that is true or not, But just go with it okay. The year sounds about right.) My world just stopped. I was frozen, couldn't move. How could this be? She can't be dead. I just now found out that she even existed. She can't be dead! I attempted to talk but I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. I just couldn't believe that the sister that I never knew I had could be dead.

"How? How JARVIS? How did she die" I croaked..

"It appears that she was killed in a fire that started in the Mechanic shop." So she was a mechanic too. Figures. I felt like curling up in a ball in the corner and dieing. She was my last chance at a family. I had no other family that is alive. Of course I always had the team, but thats different. Before I heard about her, Pepper was the only chance at a family that I had. Of course I had my mother up until the moment she died, but she had been bed-written for months and has short term memory loss. Esperanza was my only chance at having more blood relatives. More Starks. Just what the world needs. Before I knew it tears were streaming my face uncontrollably. This is the first time that I have cried since I thought that Pepper died (A/N Iron man 3 ) Starks don't cry. Why am I crying over a woman that I have never met? Why do I feel like I have known her all of my life?

"Sir?" JARVIS asked cautiously.

"Not now, JARVIS."

"But sir..." JARVIS argued.

"What JARVIS. Can't you see that I am mourning the death of the sister I never knew that I had?" I knew that I was being harsh but I couldn't help it. I have anger boiling inside of me and I have no idea who to direct it to. It was just easier to take it out on the poor A.I than to keep it boiling inside of me, for I know that if I let that happen disaster will strike and something worse than the Hulk will be born from my anger.

"Sir, I highly advise that you look at this" JARVIS replied unfazed by Tony's attitude and his burst of anger.

"JARVIS, are you getting bossy with me? Because I know I didn't program you to be this way."

"Of course not sir, but..."

"No "buts" you are my A.I and you will not treat me like this. Now let me mourn my sister in peace!!"

"I'm sorry sir"

"You better be sorry" I knew that he didn't deserve to be treated like that and the guilt hit me immediately but after years of working with me, JARVIS is probably used to it by now. I started mumbling a String of curses towards the A.I and walked back over to the screen. "This better be important JARVIS or I am reprogramming you." I warned the A.I.

"Of course sir. You won't be disappointed."

"I better not be." When I glanced at the computer I saw him. A boy. He looked about 16 or 17. The best way to describe him is a latino Santa's elf. He had a goofy grin on his face and grease stains on his shirt. He was obviously no stranger to mechanics. He was standing next to a really pretty girl that had breathtaking, multicolored eyes. Their was another boy next to her who had electric blue eyes and blond hair. All three of them seemed close very close. Like closer than family close. But my eyes kept lingering on the first boy. The one that looked like an elf. He had a belt buckle on his waist and he seems to be a person that I might even  want to hang out with. "JARVIS."

"Sir?" JARVIS questioned.

"Who..Who is that boy, the one that looks like an elf"

"Sir, I have researched the term "elf" and their is no elf in the photograph." JARVIS replies, confusion etched into his tone.

"I mean the one on the left." I told him in an irritated tone. He always takes everything so literal. You would think that years of working with me he would stop taking things that way. I will have to remember to mess with his programming later to see if I can fix that.

"His name is Leo Valdez. He is Mrs. Valdez's only child. Father unknown. He was in the fire that killed Miss Valdez, but miraculously he survived" She had as son? I have a nephew? I have a nephew!

"Where does he live?" I asked JARVIS excitedly.

"He doesn't have and address. He last lived at wilderness school a few years ago but he escaped. It hasn't been recorded since" So he lives on the streets? How could the nephew of the Tony Stark be living on the street?

"What about his friends?"

"The male, matches the identity of a two year old that was recorded missing and dead 14 years ago. The female, is Piper Mclean. She is currently living with her father Tristan McLean." That's odd. How can someone be alive for 14 years after their assumed death? And a two year old at that!

"Okay, lets pay Mrs. McLean a visit. Prepare the Blue 1932 Ford Flathead Roadster, ( A/N I'm not good with cars and I got that off of the internet by searching "Tony Stark Car" so just imagine the fanciest car you can. Okay? Thanks :) ) lets give her a visit."

"Already done sir."

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