meeting piper

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THANK YOU FOR ALL TYE COMMENTS AND VOTES! I just want to clarify that this is taking place in the fall so Piper will be at her dads house. Well, you are probably didn't even read this (the author note) so I will quit with my ranting and go on to the story. I hope you like it.

"Sir, we're here" JARVIS reminded me for the fifth time. I was sitting in the car looking at the McLean mansion. All I have to do to get the information I need is to go through security and to the front door. I have been setting here for the last 10 min

"I know JARVIS"

"Then why are you still in the car, sir."

"I just am. Okay?" To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing still in the car. I would never admit it to anyone but I was nervous to go in. What if she isn't there. What if the photo had been photo shopped and Piper doesn't even know Leo. What if Leo is dead? I know in my mind that none of the above are true and my imagination is just running wild. I finally gathered up the courage to put on the hoodie that I had so that no one would recognize me. I stepped out of the door. I headed to the security gate. Next to the gate were two tough looking guys who were tripple my size. Before I walked up, they were setting in lawn chairs. Now they are standing protectively over the entrance to the gates.

"Name and Business." The tougher guy asked me. I'm surprised that they haven't recognized me yet. of course I was wearing a hoodie but if you were staring directly at me, it would be easy to recognize me.

"I'm here to talk to Tristan about..." I never got to finish my sentence before the other guy cut me off.

"Do you have an appointment?" The other guy asked as he cut me off

"No, but..."

"Mr. McLean doesn't see people without an appointment. Now leave before I make you leave. And that wouldn't be fun for you."

"You can't make me do anything." I glared at him with absolute loathing and hated. If looks could kill he would be in a puddle of his own blood.

The man looked my straight in the eye and bursted out into laughter. He had the nerve to laugh! At me. Tony Stark. How dare he! I took off my hoodie and looked him straight in the eye.

"Because you so rudely interrupted me when I was introducing myself I will tell you now that my name is Tony Stark. You might know me as Ironman. Now I would like to go talk to Mr. McLean now if you don't mind." They both looked at me in shock. Their eyes were bulged so big that I was surprised that they stayed in their eye sockets.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Stark, but we still can't let you in. We are under strict orders to not let anyone in unless they have an appointment. Mr. McLean said that not even the president himself can come in without an appointment."

I was about to argue more and say that I can always come back in my Iron Man suit, but a car pulled up at the gate. It wasn't even a very expensive car. Just a car that the average american would have (A/N As I said before, i'm not good with cars so use your Imagination to imagine what the car looked like. ) I redirected my gaze to the girl getting out of the car. I immediately recognized her as the girl from the picture, Piper McLean.

"Is there a problem here?" She asked the security guards while eyeing me suspiciously. She wasn't what I was expecting for a girl of a famous father. She was wearing clothes that could be found at walmart, no make up, and there were rips and stains In her clothes, yet she still looks beautiful.

Before I could respond the bigger guard spoke up for me, "Mr. Stark here wants to have a meeting with your father, but he didn't schedule an appointment. He expects that he can just show up and get in without one."

"What kind of business could you possibly have with my dad. You arn't  a movie director or anything. And its pretty stupid to just show up without an appointment or even notifying anyone that you are coming."

"Actually, i'm not here for your father. I'm here to speak to you." I told her with a smirk on my face.

She let out a laugh,"What on earth would you be here to talk to me about?"

"I'm here to talk to you about your friends." I told her blatantly.

Her face suddenly got serious. She even had a hint of nervousness in her eyes. "Wh-What are you talking about?"

"Well, actually it's friend, as in one."

"Which one of my friends are you here to talk to me about."

"Leo Valdez."

she let out a sigh. "What ever he blow up, it wasn't his fault." She said with a hint of amusement in her voice. along with her voice I suddenly felt like it wasn't his fault. (charmspeek)

"He didn't blow up anything." I assured her

"Okay? Then what ever he broke, it wasn't his fault" She said like she was cirten that she was right this time. Again, I felt like it wasn't his fault. I quickly snapped out of it.

"He didn't break anything either." I'm starting to see how we are related.

"Okay? Then what did he do?'' She asked as she started to realize the seriousness of the situation. She then noticed for the first time that we were still outside and the guards were staring at us like we were crazy. "Would you like to come inside to finish this conversation?" She asked me patiently. However, I could see the anxiousness in her eyes.

''Sure, why not?" She motioned for the guards to open the gates to let us in. When we made it to the front door, she lead me to the couch. They had a very fancy nice house but I like my house better.

"So, what happened?''

''Its a long story'' I warned her.

"Tell me everything."

Now I want to clarify that leo found Calypso and they came to camp half blood and now live there. So Piper knows that he is not dead. Now, thanks for reading. I never thought that I would get so many comments and votes in such a short of a amount of time. Thanks for reading. don't forget to comment :) Until next time, peace out !!!

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