Spinny chairs!!!

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Percy's POV. (YAY!)

I was in the stable sneaking Blackjack some doughnuts when Jason came running in. He was glistening with sweat and the smells radiating from his body were so horrid that I am doing you a favor by not describing them to you. I quickly hide the doughnuts behind my back.

" Uhhh ... Jason! Uhhh. What are you doing here?" I asked nervously. I'm not really supposed to feed the pegasus doughnuts, as apparently it's not good for their health. But in my defense, it's not good for my health for me to have to listen to blackjack beg for them every minute of every day. It gets super annoying. It's always doughnuts this, doughnuts that with him. Why doesn't Zeus make it rain doughnuts? Seriously, he asked me that just last week!

" L ... L ... LEO!" I could just barely make out what Jason was saying through all the panting.

"What? What about Leo?" I asked. I hope he was just going on about a prank that Leo and the Stolls did.


"What about Leo and Piper!?" I was starting to get nervous. I mean, Leo is always getting in trouble but if Piper is also in trouble this must mean that the situation is serious.

"They've been taken!"

"Who!" I practically screamed. Who would dare kidnap my friends? They must be pretty stupid because now their monastery behind has a personal appointment with riptide.

"The men in black!"

"Men in black? I thought that that was just a Movie." I was utterly confused. Don't get me wrong, it was a very good movie, but the last thing we need right now is to be dealing with aliens.

"NO! The mortal Government! They kidnapped them! Something about them being one of the greatest threats on the index!"

"Index?" I asked. "Do you mean your index finger?"

"I don't know! All I know is that the mortals kidnapped them and think that they are some great threat! We've GOT to rescue them!" As the words left his lips, the old wooden floors of the stable gave way beneath them and the tumbled into the unknown darkness.

Leo's POV (Bet you didn't see that coming!)

"Ugh!" I groaned, as I awoke due to the constant thundering in my head. I took a look around the room and saw that everything was white. I was sitting in a white bed next to a white interrogations table. Why am I here? Where's Piper? Where is here anyway?, I wondered, realizing that I had no idea where I was. Then it all came back to me. Canis being electrocuted. Canis being shot. Piper passing out on the floor. Piper being shot. A red and gold object smashing into my window. Myself being shot. BEING SHOT?

I was shot! Who shot me? Why? How? Who? Who could ever want to kill me? Who would want to put this piece of awesomeness to death? Well, I guessed that every monster that has ever existed wanted me dead right now for putting Gaea back to sleep, but I was pretty sure that a monster hadn't shot me. If a monster had shot me, I would be dead right now. My thoughts veered into unsettling territory. Was I even alive!

My hand quickly made its way towards my neck to see if I had a pulse. Thump ... Thump ... Thump. Yep, I was probably alive. My hand now made its way towards my back where the bullet hit my back. As my hand ran down my back, I felt a small bump. There was a tiny metal object in my back. I gripped the tiny object tightly and pulled with all of my might. It came out with ease.

"Those sneaky little bastards," I muttered as I recognized the object. It was a bullet with a sedative and tracer in it, better known as a bullet for the night-night gun. All it did was immediately make me fall asleep and leave a small tracer behind so that I could always be tracked, forever. That is, if it wasn't pulled out in the first 24 hours after being hit. That means that I haven't been here for too long, or I wouldn't have been able to extract it, but it also means that my friends aren't looking for me yet.

I tried to get up off of the bed but felt a tug on my leg. I looked down to see that my right leg was chained to the floor. The chain was barely long enough to get to the door, and it seemed like the more I moved, the tighter it got. I started to walk towards the interrogation table. At one end of the table were two spinny chairs, and on the other side was a hard metal chair. Obviously the metal chair was for me, but, like I have always said, you snooze you lose. I quickly switched the hard metal chair for one of the spinning chairs. I started to spin.

Let me tell you a little something about demigods. Never, ever give them spinny chairs. They will go crazy and spin in circles for hours, even when you're talking to them, like I did. I didn't even notice that I had been spinning for so long until bright beams of light flowed into the previously fairly dark room. That didn't stop me! I kept spinning ... and spinning ... and spinning. Did I mention that I was spinning?

Through my spinning, I could see the figures of two men. They both had obviously come to interrogate me, but I had different plans. I was going to make this as difficult as I could for them.

"Hey, kid. Stop spinning." I ignored him

"Hello? Stop spinning," a second voice asked. This voice sounded awfully familiar for some reason.

"Are you even listening to me?" the first guy said after he realized that I wasn't going to answer.

"Aargh!" the first guy exclaimed. I could hear the thundering of angry footsteps coming towards me. In an instant, the chair had stopped moving and was being lifted into the air. Man, this dude was strong! He lifted the chair into the air with one hand and with the other he ripped off the spinny part so that all that was left was the cushions. He then sat the cushion chair on the ground and started to make his way to the opposite side of the table to set down.

He was about to set down in the other spinny chair when the other man, who still sounded strangely familiar yelled out "DIBS!" and took the chair right from underneath the first person right as he was setting down. it was too late for him to catch himself so he ended up on the ground on his butt. He mumbled something inaudibly and sat down in the metal chair.

Now that all three of us were sitting down, I finally got a good look at the men. The first guy was tall and very, very muscular. He had blond hair and looked like the American flag had thrown up on him. My eyes widened as they landed on the second guy. It was none other than the guy who I had stolen ice cream from. The guy who claimed to be my uncle. The guy who shocked Canis. The guy who apparently kidnapped me. The one and only, Tony stark.

Tony smirked when he saw my reaction. "Lets get started, shall we?"

WOW! That was fast! I really hope that you liked it. by the way, I'm thinking about starting a poll on my sight to see who is reading this book - Girls or boys. I literally know only one guy who reads fanfiction, and I want to know how many are out there that read my book. I hope that you don't try to murder me for not only leaving it off on one cliff hanger, but two! Also, who liked reading a Percy's POV as I liked to write it? and who guessed that it would be Jason that was at Pipers house? So, thanks for reading and don't forget to review! and please VOTE

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