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"What are you talking about? My nephew is definitely not a criminal! How could a 17-year old be one of the most wanted criminals on the index?" I yelled at Fury. How could a 17-year old be a criminal? I should have heard of him by now. I mean, he may have a mechanical dog ... and dragon, but that does not mean he is a criminal. It just means he was given the family trait.

"Were you not paying attention in the meeting last week?" He looked at me expectantly. "Of course you weren't paying attention. You're a Stark." he mumbled. "These two," he continued, pointing at Leo and Piper, "Have been escaping S.H.I.E.L.D. for the last two years, along with their five other friends. The seven teens have been traveling across the world at an extraordinary rate and most every single place where there has been a 'natural disaster' in the last few years, they were there."

"Are you suggesting that they weren't natural disasters?" I questioned, with a glance of suspicion.

"Oh, I'm not suggesting that the weren't natural disasters; I know that they weren't natural disasters. You know S.H.I.E.L.D's job is to cover everything up."

"Okay, if they aren't natural disasters then what are they?" I asked. This has to have something to do with aliens. Everything does these days.

"All we know is that there is a major power surge every now and then, and they just so happen to be in the area at that time. They then come out of the area all busted up. Poodles are always running around the area and attacking people and-"

"It's the poodle apocalypse!" I yelled out randomly, interrupting Fury.

He gave me his famous one-eyed glare. It's truly terrifying. I call it The Pirate. "Stark, do I need to remind you how serious this situation is?"

"Come on Fury. So what. My nephew accidentally blows up a few buildings. It's nothing too serious. I mean, I have done that loads of times. It's not like anyone got hurt - I know that from the police reports. You know what, I will be generous enough to pay for the damage done because of my nephew and his group of friends."

"Stark, there is a lot more going on than you realize. Especially with him," he said, indicating Leo. "You might want to see this picture we found from security footage down in Greece."

He pulled out a tablet and scrolled through a few pictures. He finally tapped on one and handed the tablet to me. What I saw shocked me. "I ... is this photoshopped?" I asked, hope in my voice even though I knew that it hadn't been. I just didn't know how that could possibly be my nephew.

I'm sorry to say, but it isn't." He paused, for dramatic effect, and then continued, "That, my friend, is where the power surge is coming from.

"Wow," was all I could say at first, but I then asked, with curiosity evident in my voice, "So what are we going to do with them?" If that really was my nephew in that picture, we were in for one hell of a ride when he woke up. I just don't understand how that person in the photo could possibly be the innocent, carefree teenager that I just met. Okay, so maybe he might not be so innocent considering that he hacked the most secure databases on this planet, but he is definitely not someone with the ability demonstrated in the picture, and he is definitely not the type of person who will kill innocent people like that!

"You know what we do to people like that, Stark. He will be sent to debriefing and then placed accordingly." Fury responded

"But what about his supposed powers? Surely, if that picture is real, he will put up a fight. He needs people just as powerful as him to debrief him."

"What exactly are you suggesting, Stark? " Fury asked with suspicion

"I suggesting that cap and I should debrief them. I mean, Leo is my nephew after all. And I still need to tell him how I know that."

"Okay, fine, but we need to get them to the base, along with the dragon and the dog."



A man stood watching the exchange taking place. "Okay, fine, but we need to get them to the base along with the dragon and the dog," he heard the man with the eye-patch say to the other guy in the red and gold metal suit. There were at least a hundred men there, along with seven helicopters in the air. These people were preventing him from swooping down there and getting his friends. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see men in black SWAT-like uniforms with the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on the front of their uniform. They were busy loading Canis and Festus onto helicopters, and had their guns pointed towards the two as if they were going to wake up any minute now and attack.

While they were occupied with that, other men were loading Leo and Piper onto hospital beds and handcuffing them to the bed. As if that will keep them down! Leo could alway melt the metal and Piper could just simply ask to be released and the mortals would have no choice but to comply. Not that they know this, of course. But why would the mortals even get involved? The man and his friends didn't do anything wrong, and if they did, the mist should just cover it up. Why isn't it working?he wondered. I need to warn camp!


I'm soooo sorry about the shortness, but I promise to update in the next two weeks. I really hope that you like it. please review or PM me to ask questions or to give me suggestions. and because I made this so short, I will give you one little spoiler for the next chapter. the first part will be in Percy's pov. I'm sooo excited! I'm hoping to end this in at least the next ten chapters - maybe more, maybe less. Who knows. Well, until next time, that's it. Also, if you guess who the mystery person is (even if you get it wrong) I will PM you to tell you who it is.And wattpaders, please vote!!!

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