1 | Hazelnut Latte

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This chapter is dedicated to SouthMarie


STEPPING INTO THE cosy confines of Home had become something of an instinct. The cafe was always there, a regular fixture on her way to work, a place where she knew if she peeped in, she would see the same people behind the counter. That thought gave her some comfort. In fact, Seollal prided herself in being one of its first customers. She had popped in the week it opened, and quickly enticed by the friendly staff, the tasty drinks, the affordable prices and the warm atmosphere, she had quickly become a regular. 

Tuesday mornings weren't her usual days but she'd forgotten to make coffee before she left the house. As she pushed open the glass door, Seollal was greeted by the familiar aroma of coffee and the hissing of steaming milk.

A queue had formed and a few dine-in customers occupied various seats in the store. She joined the queue, her tumbler in her hands, her smile growing wide when she reached the counter. 

"Hazelnut latte?" Anna asked without a beat.

"Yes, please," she returned cheerily as she handed over her metal tumbler.

Seollal knew little about Anna. She was a full-timer whose manner was strictly polite, unlike the warm cheer that Kazu and Jieun exhibited. She brushed back her hair which she kept in an attractive brown bob, exposing the multiple piercings on both ears. Her fingers moved to tap at the screen with quick efficiency, before gesturing to a screen for payment.

"Unnie!" Jieun exclaimed in pleasant surprise as she bustled out from the kitchen. She set down an armful of milk cartons onto the counter, her hands flying to steady them. "You don't usually come in on Tuesdays."

"I forgot to pack my coffee today," she said as she stepped aside to wait for her order.

Jieun ducked her head to the square cut into the wall that separated them from the kitchen and called out, "Sajangnim!"


There was an answering call and he emerged moments later with packets of sandwiches in his hands.

"Seollal unnie is here!" she announced brightly.

Seollal stared wide eyed in astonishment at the girl as her pulse skyrocketed. No way, she thought as her feet rooted themselves to the floor, what is she doing?

His eyes were equally wide when they met hers before he hastily turned to his worker.

"Yah, Kwak Jieun!" he hissed, waving a hand at her. "Get back to work."

Turning to her, he said with a lowered voice, "I'm sorry about that."

"It's alright," she blurted, quite unsure of what else to say.

Beside him, Jieun dropped each sandwich into waiting paper bags, an impudent grin all over her pixie face.

What was that supposed to mean? Her mind was a whirl. Truly, there wasn't anything she could say, could she? Not that she actually minded, a small part of her brain decided. Kwak Jieun, she thought with a bemused smile. She did what she wanted and got away with what she did.

Kazu had picked up the portafilter, and with a few rapid flicks of a machine, ground coffee piled onto the basket. He gave the handle a quick shake, then pressed the tamper into the well of ground coffee. With a second tamp and a quick rotation, he slotted the portafilter into the group head. Then with a flick of a switch, espresso flowed out, engulfing the air with a rich aroma. Seollal watched, entranced by the deft movements of his hands as he prepared the steamed milk next.

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