17 | Cauliflower Tacos

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IN THE FOLLOWING days, with a heavy heart and a blend of excitement, Seollal had tendered her resignation at the school. It wasn't long before Human Resources called her up, and the whole leadership of Yongsan Seoul Kindergarten knew. She would serve her notice period for two months before she returned to her hometown to care for eomma, then continue to make plans for the future.

"Kyojangnim," she said with a bow of her head, entering into what was the second part of her exit interview.

"You should know why I called you in this time," the Principal said with a smile.

It seemed the mountain of files on her desk had not lessened over time but had only increased, serving to give the Principal an appearance of perpetually being bedecked by copious amounts of paper.

Such was the weight on the administrator of a well-known school.

But her features remained as serene as always.


Seollal took her seat, her mouth pursed as she folded her hands one over the other. She felt she was back in the position of a candidate seeking employment, just that now she was filled with a sense of calm.

She hadn't an inkling of how her exit interview would go. Who quit their job in the middle of a pandemic anyway? It could potentially turn out to be a horrible idea, and she already knew she had to give up the rental on her apartment, but for now, she could only look forward to days of completing her manuscript, and spending her time in the comfort of home.

"What plans do you have in mind?" the Principal asked. "Have you found another school?"

"No. Well, I mean – " She waved her hands, her eyes crinkling in self-admonishing humour. "I plan to take some time off for now to return home. Eomma will need some help when she's on chemotherapy so I plan to look after her. Also, I have a book deal with a publishing company. I'll be working on it."

"But I will return to teaching, of course. It's something I love a lot. I'm so grateful to your guidance over the last few years."

A gentle smile broke out on her Principal's face.

"I look forward to seeing you in the profession again, Seollal ah. I would like to say that this door is always open to you. But I hope you do not return."

"Oh." She blinked, her breath coming to an abrupt halt.

Then the Principal let out a laugh, her eyes crinkling with good humour.

"At least not so soon," she added. "I want you to go somewhere else, to grow and learn. And when and if you do return, come back as the Head of a department. Alright?"


Yu Ah let out a long sigh as she replaced her glass on the table. They had opted for vegan food tonight, at one of the few new places that had popped up in Seoul in recent years. They shared a platter of cauliflower tacos, pasta with an assortment of beans and lentils, soft breads to dip in vinegar and olive oil, a bowl of cucumber noodles doused in sesame oil, tofu fried till it was crisp, and sparkling cider studded with brilliant blues and reds of various berries,

"I can't believe that in one month's time I won't have you as a desk partner anymore," her friend lamented, a forkful of pasta at her mouth.

She clicked her tongue, her eyes briefly flying to her friend's face.

"It's not like as if we won't see each other again."

Yu Ah let out a groan, her shoulders sinking as her mouth tugged into a pout.

"What am I going to do without you? I'll have no one to complain with about my students, and no one's going to help me evaluate men anymore. What school are you applying to?" She sniffled. "I'll come find you."

"Yah, unnie, are you crying?"

"Of course not!" Her utensils clattered noisily as she shifted her glass, her napkin, her phone, this way and that way. "I'm just thinking about what a poor, lost soul I'll be without you."

"You? A poor, lost soul?" A laugh left her as she batted her friend on the arm. "You were the one who showed me around on the first day."

"I'll be taking a break for a while," she went on. "I'll spend some time on writing, maybe return to my hometown. You know what I told you about my eomma... She'll feel sicker after the chemotherapy. I thought I'd go back for a while, make sure she's coping well."

Living in a different city meant not being around for her family when they needed her. Now she had a chance, she would spend her break in her hometown, pay a visit to its familiar sites, and maybe, if time permitted, pop by Home before her departure.

"How's the thing you were telling me about? About your, you know," she said, her eyes lengthening meaningfully as her voice dropped into a low, "other mother."

Her hands stilled as she cast her plate a glance.

"I don't know what to think, honestly. Should I meet her again? Should I not? Things didn't end well between us." She let out a long sigh. "And I can still remember the face she wore on the last day. But for now, I'll just take it slow."

Yu Ah nodded, her mouth pursed, but it was soon taken over by a sly smile.

"Mm, I hope you take it fast with your Kazu."


"Don't have to pretend, Jeon Seollal! How many times have you gone to Home this week? Are you making a home in his heart yet?"

Her brows shot up as she swatted her friend.

"Yah, Kim Yu Ah!" she exclaimed.

Making a home in his heart?

How could her friend bear to say such a sappy thing? Her face burnt at the thought anyway.

"I'm waiting for the day that he makes home run!" she cried out cheerfully as she pumped a fist in the air.

"Ah, jinjja!" she grumbled, hastily pulling her friend's arm down before a waiter could spot them.

Yu Ah drew her fingers together as she regarded her with a wide grin.

"And when the two of you have a home together, don't forget to invite me."

She blinked.

"I mean – "

"I'll be Aunt to your babies."

"Crazy," she muttered under her breath as the heat in her cheeks intensified. "You must be crazy."


A / N

I'm not sure where this chapter is going, but here you go...

I'm not sure where this chapter is going, but here you go

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