5 | Matcha Latte

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"I'VE GOT SOMETHING for you!" Seollal announced as she slid onto a stool at the kitchen island setting. Her excitement bubbling behind her mask, she placed a tote bag onto the table and began rifling about in it. "I received them from the publishing house yesterday so I thought I'd bring them over." 

"Unnie, we should make you an honorary member of the family since you come so often," Jieun said as she bopped over with a grin. "Would you like a drink?"

The kitchen island setting was composed of a slab of white marble and four wooden stools. It provided her with a close-up view of the bustle behind the counter but at this hour, the café was peaceful, with only Kazu wiping down the coffee machine.

"It's alright. I'm only here to pass you the printed copy of my short story," she said. Then her voice lowered as she shot her a grin. "I've got a train to catch later, in fact. I'm going home for the weekend."

The girl let out a loud gasp when she held up the thin booklet. Maru and Hwan Fights the Dragon featured a girl and a boy on the cover together with an injured red dragon expelling flames. It was the story that had won her a mentorship for young writers and a publishing deal at that. 

"Omo, it's so pretty!" She turned about to wave an arm in the air. "Sajangnim!"

Kazu cast them a glance from behind the coffee machine before making his way over. He had raised a hand in greeting, but he stopped short, his eyes growing wide in surprise as he took in the cover.

"Look at this!" Jieun exclaimed as she held the booklet up with a laugh. "It's unnie's story!"

"The publishing house printed out a few copies of the winning entries," she explained. "Jieun said she wanted a copy so I brought it over."

He took the booklet in his hands, reverently turning it around and about before he said, "It's really pretty."

"Unnie, are you going to sign it?" Jieun asked gaily as she held the book to herself. "I want a signed copy!"

She burst out in laughter with a hand over her mouth.

"A signed copy?" she murmured in astonishment. "My signature isn't worth anything."

"I want a love note too! Just like when you go for fan meets with idols, they write little notes with their signatures."

"Fine," she said with a laugh as she flipped the cover open, "I'll write one for you."

"Asa!" she exclaimed as she pumped a fist in the air. "Oh, you should write one for sajangnim."

He stiffened just as he turned away.

"Would you like a copy too?" she asked.

"Sure," he muttered. "Only if you have extras."

Then he pointed to the counter.

"Seems like you'll be here for a while. I'll make you a drink."

"Make a matcha latte for unnie!" Jieun exclaimed to his retreating back. "She said she wanted to try it."

He turned about, his questioning gaze on hers.

"Well," Seollal muttered, casting Jieun an amused glance. "She's been promoting her favourite drink to me for the longest time. I'll take it. And I'll pay for it this time," she added, remembering the sandwich he had slipped into her bag the other day.

Her gaze had lingered on his back for a beat too long. Rousing herself, she hurriedly returned to her note-writing, only to catch Jieun throw a knowing look her way.

Last Night at the CaféHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin