"was such a bad idea,"

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It was finally the 1st September

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It was finally the 1st September. The day Ophelia had been looking forward to all summer. She had to sneak out of the dorm early which was order of the Matron so no girls would asked questions.

"Platform 9 and 3/4. That's not even a platform." The Matron muttered repeatedly on the bus ride to London. Ophelia didn't care and instead watched the owl in a cage which she had bought.

"Get that disgusting thing away from me." The Matron would hiss everything the bird shook, its winds hitting the metal cage making a loud clang. The animal was mostly white but had brown spots in its wings and chest. It also had round eyes which was a fraudulent of orange and yellow which glared at the Matron beside her.

She had decided to name him Apollo, after the moon and Greek God. She was fascinated by mythology and stars so she was excited to see a telescope of the supply list.

Ophelia sighed as she leaned on the window, her rosy cheek pressed against the cold glass until thus arrived in London.


"This is as far as I will go. I refuse to go near anymore freaks like you." The Matron spat at the young girl which made her roll her eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me young lady!" She asked loudly which made people look over.
"Was it not clear the first time? Do you want me to do it again?" Ophelia asked.

She had a sudden stroke of confidence, knowing she could do nothing until she had return in a few months. "Someone's all cocky now. Just wait until no one wants to talk to a disgusting rat like you." The Matron spat, the look of disgust deepening the wrinkles on her face.

"How would some like you? Not even your parents like you." She laughed which made her clench her fist and her jaw tighten. An evil smirk appeared on the woman's face but Ophelia walked away, biting her bottom lip to stop herself from shouting and swearing at everything.

With a confused look, she stood between platform 9 and 10 until she recognised a blonde girl. "Ophelia!" She called out when she noticed her. "Are you confused?" She asked with a slight giggle. She nodded in reply. "It's easy. Just run at that wall."

"What!" Ophelia exclaimed, thinking she misheard the girl. "Run at the wall. It's easier if you close your eyes. Well, that's what my brother say." Marlene replied. "Watch."

She then held onto her trolley tightly, closed her eyes and ran at the wall. Ophelia watched in awe when she disappeared into the bricks. There was another girl behind her who saw.

"How did she do that?" A red headed girl asked as she approached the dark haired girl. Ophelia looked beside her to look at her. She did the same and smiled warmly at her. "Is it your first year?" Ophelia asked, watching her nod.

"Same. Ophelia Thompson." She replied as she held out her hand for a handshake, like how Marlene did with her. "Lily Evans." The ginger girl replied as she shook her hand. "You first." Ophelia said, gesturing at the bricks.

"Absolutely not. You were hear first." Lily replied. The two girls stood their for a moment before bursting out laughing. "I'll go then." Ophelia said as she moved to be in front of the wall. "Good luck!" Lily called out before girl ran at the door.

Her face scrunched up as she got closer but let out a sigh of relief when she did not crash but ended up on a new platform. A ruby red train filled the station with smoke. She gazed around in awe until someone bumped into her. "Watch it." She hissed, use to being hostile in the home.

She looked around at all the children's saying goodbye to their parents which made her sigh before boarding the train as she had no one to say goodbye to.


Ophelia walked down the corridor of the train, searching for an empty compartment when a messy haired boy around her height pushed passed her. "Oi! Watch it dickhead before I throw you under the train wheels!" Ophelia threatened which made everyone stare at her.

She continued to walk, passing a compartment where the same messy haired boy sat. "Do you care to apologise after shoving past me?" She asked as she leaned on the door way but the boy scoffed.

Ophelia then noticed a familiar boy beside him. "Remus?" She called out. It had been years since she had even seen the boy and she was surprised that he was also magical. "I didn't know you were a wizard." She said.

"Yeah, my father was. It's a surprise with you." Remus replied awkwardly, the three other boys in the compartment noticing. "Well, I guess I'll find somewhere else to sit." She said as she began to walk away.

"Wait. You can sit in here if you'd like." Remus offered which made the other boys huff. "Not this weirdo." The messy haired boy said. "Well," Ophelia paused as she did not know his name. "James Potter." He said proudly, as if his name was important. "Well, Potter, you're just some pathetic mummy's boy based on the note she left you on your suitcase." Ophelia said, looking up at the parchment on the boys luggage.

This made another boy, who was blowing his dark hair out of his face, snicker. Ophelia smirked as she walked away before being called into a compartment with Marlene.

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