"bad idea,"

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It was now the 25th of April, Ophelia's birthday which she had been looking forward to for weeks

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It was now the 25th of April, Ophelia's birthday which she had been looking forward to for weeks. It was a great excuse to get drunk on a weekday.

But before that, she had to survive her Defence Against the Dark Arts class. The Professor ,who changed every year, informed the students what they were learning that lesson after ordering them to huddle around them.

"This lesson will be difficult and is a defence against a creature you should never encounter. A dementor." They began, pushing their glasses up the bridge of their nose.

"It is defeated by using the Patronus charm." They added which caused a muttering happen in the class. "It may be difficult but I believe you can do it. Each Patronus takes the form of a different animal that has a special affinity with the caster." They began to explain, pacing around the front of the classroom.

"To curate this spell, you will need to announce the charm," They paused and took a deep breath in. "Expecto patronum!" They announced with their wand held out which made a silver otter run through the air before soon disappearing.

"Mr Potter, could you go first?" They asked which made the boy nod before stepping forward. "Expecto patronum!" He shouted but nothing happened. "It's okay, try again." The Professor encouraged.

"Expecto patronum!" The Gryffindor shouted again which made a grand stag appear, its majestic antlers looking like a woodland crown. "Very good! Very good!"

"Miss Thompson? Could you try?" They asked which made her let out a deep breath as she stepped forward. "Expecto patronum!" She announced clearly.

Suddenly, a silver bear ran through the air, circling the girl who spun around the follow the animal. "Great job Miss Thompson." The Professor congratulated.

She then walked back into the crowd where a smirking James stood. "A bear?" He chuckled. "A bear could kill a stag in an instant." She replied which made him scoff. "Fucking Bambi is your Patronus." She added which made him roll his eyes.

She then noticed Dorcas and grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. "You ready to get drunk tonight?" She asked but the girl had a confused look on her face. "Oh shit, me and Marlene already had a date planned." The curly haired girl told her.

"We can cancel it." She added. "No it's fine. I'm glad one of us is getting it." Ophelia replied as she elbowed Dorcas who laughed. "Lily," The Ravenclaw whispered which caught the red head's attention. "You busy tonight?"She asked which made her shake her head.

"It's your birthday, I wouldn't be busy for that." She whispered back. "Well someone was." Ophelia replied as she looked at Dorcas which made Lily gasp. "You horrible mate!" She exclaimed before laughing.

"Warning, we're getting drunk." She told the Gryffindor who sighed. "Fine." She replied.


Ophelia came running into the Gryffindor common room with an armful of bottles for the two to drink but the sudden noise of vomit made her cringe.

Then she noticed the communal bathroom door was open and someone was gripping onto the toilet bowl. She walked closer and recognised that it was Alice holding Lily's hair back as she threw up.

"Whats wrong?" She asked as she leaned on the doorway which made Alice look up and open her mouth to speak but Lily interrupted her. "The school have me fucking food poisoning!" Lily exclaimed which made her chuckle.

"So no drinking?" Ophelia asked. "I can't even lift my head up from the toilet!" The red head shouts which made the Ravenclaw back up. "Try get better then." She said before closing the door and walked backwards to the couch, falling back onto the sofa.

Just then, a Gryffindor boy walked in wiping his forehead after getting back from training. "Why are you pouting?" He asked at the girl who was laying upside down. "I have no one to get drunk with." She sighed.

"Why do you want to get drunk on a Tuesday?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows. "It's my birthday!" She exclaimed. "You forgot to!" She added.

"I'll get drunk with you." He offered which made her jump up. "Catch!" She shouted as she threw a bottle of wine at him which he was barely able to catch. "Wine?" He questioned as he read the label. "Don't judge me!" She shouted which made him chuckle.


The two students stumbled around the common room dancing to the music blaring out of the record player. Their heads bobbled around as if they couldn't hold them up. "I think I'm drunk." James said, his words slurred before they both burst out laughing.

Ophelia's eyes were glossy and drifted around the room, struggling to focus on one particular thing. Suddenly, she tipped over the rug, spilling the bottle of wine in her hand all over her clothes.

"Fuck sake!" She exclaimed. "That was good wine!" James laughed at her which made her scowl, making him instantly stop. "I might have something for you to wear." He told her as he held out his hand and pulled her up.

He then went up into his dorm and scanned through his wardrobe before throwing a Gryffindor jersey at her which flew past her before she held her hands up to catch it.

After bending down to pick it up, she held it between her legs as she started to pull the shirt she was already wearing off. James instantly jumped to the nearest bed, covering his face with the duvet.

"Oh get a grip." She told the boy as she rolled her eyes and pulled the clean shirt over her head. "I'm done." She told him which made him slowly look over and let out a sigh of relief before she threw the wine soaked shirt at him, hitting him in the face.

She then fell back onto the bed behind her which happened to be James'. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "Laying on a bed." She replied, making him tut.

"That's my bed." He told the girl who shrugged. "There are 3 other beds." She replied which made him roll his eyes. "Don't throw up on it." He warned her as he made his way to the door but she stopped him.

"Quit being a pussy and lie next to me." She said as she patted on the blanket beside her. He furrowed his eyebrows as he sat beside her and slowly rested his head on the pillow. "I swear to Merlin if you throw up on-"

He glanced over at the Ravenclaw but he didn't get a response because her eyes were already closed and her ace had relaxed. "Night sweetheart." He whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

He then looked over at the door but he yawned loudly and sighed. He was also so exhausted that he cousins be bothered to get up so he closed his eyes and the two fell asleep on the boy's bed.

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