" 'cause now i cant think straight,"

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As spring continued, the days got hot but the nights were still cool

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As spring continued, the days got hot but the nights were still cool. Ophelia would take this opportunity to train. She enjoyed it much more then waking up early.

The sun had already sunk behind the mountains and the sky was a deep navy, with sparkling stars scattered around. Occasionally, Ophelia would take a break from flying and look up at the stairs which she found incredibly relaxing.

The closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh as she took in the sound of gentle rustles of leaves. "What you doing up there, sweetheart?" The sudden voice made the girl jumped, making her loose balance and slip off of the broom.

On the grass pitch below was James who eyes widened as he watched the girl fall. He began to panic as the girl got closer and closer to the grass and he had to make a quick choice so he stood below her with his arms out in an attempt to catch her.

However, she had fallen from such a height that when she fell into his arms, he was knocked onto the floor. But he was still able to wrap his arms around the falling girl, interrupting her fall. James's head was spinning as he had hit it off the floor but when he opens his eyes and lifted his head up slightly, he saw Ophelia lying on top of him and her leg was twisted in an unnatural manner.

Ophelia opened her eyes as well and looked down at her clearly broken leg. "Are you alright?" James asked her. "My legs twisted at a 180 degree angle! Does it look like I'm alright?" She shouted at him which made him flinch. "Sorry." He apologised quietly.

He then carefully pulled his legs out from under the girl, trying to not make her move too much. "I'm hoping you're gonna take me to Madam Pomfrey instead of leaving me here." Ophelia said. "Well, Hogwarts would be a lot quieter." He replied which made her roll her eyes.


James then carefully carried Ophelia back to the castle, trying to not look down at her leg because it made him cringe. When he arrived at the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey sent him out which he happily obliged to.

Madam Pomfrey offered to put a cast on the leg but she begged her to cast some kind of spell to make it heal instantly as she still needed to practice Quidditch. She was reluctant to agree, but Madam Pomfrey quickly fixed up the leg with a flick of her wand and sent the girl back to her common room.

She rubbed her face as she stepped out of the Hospital wing before noticing James who was leaning on the wall outside. "I see you waited." She said as began to walk down the hallways and James followed her. "I felt bad." He replied with a smirk which made her roll her eyes.

James' eyebrows then furrowed when he realised they were walking away from the common rooms and out again. "Where are you heading?" He asked the Ravenclaw. "I'm bored." She replied with a shrug. "I'm not going to bed yet." She added.

"But it's pretty late, you'll be cranky tomorrow." James advised but she scoffed. "I can see why you're the boring marauder." She replied as she continued to walk on. "What!" He exclaimed. "I'm a very fun person!" He added which made her roll her eyes with a smirk. "But people don't think that. Right now you're only know as my boyfriend." She replied as she stopped, turned around and leaned on a pillar beside her.

The boy scoffed at her. "No way! They're so many girls who are jealous!" James replied. "Yeah, of you." She replied with a wink before continuing and James had to quicken his steps to catch up with her.

"Well, if you're so fun, do you know any spots?" She asked, glancing over at the messy haired boy. He bit his bottom lip to think of a place. "There's a park close by." He replied which her him in thought. "That'll do."


Not too far from the school, only a few minutes away, was a small muggle village tucked behind the mountains of Scotland. Located on the outside of the village was a small park, filled of slowly rusted play equipment including a slide, climbing from and a swing.

Ophelia instantly ran over to the swings which made James walk over. "Of course I get the one with all the bird shit." He complained which made her shrug as she gently pushed herself feet against the floor.

"Still using that candle I got you?" He asked with a smirk. "I threw it out the window, it smelt too much like you." She replied sarcastically which made him chuckle. In truth, the wick was constantly lit because she found the warm smell comforting.

Soon enough, Ophelia got bored so she climbed up to the top of the slide but she didn't go down and instead sat up there, her knees pulled up to her chest. James looked over at her, still on the swings, before getting up and sitting behind the girl.

"Do you know what you want to do after Hogwarts?" Ophelia asked, filling up the silence of the night air. "An Auror." He replied which confused the girl. "Really? I would of thought a Quidditch player." She replied which made him shake his head. "Nope. What about you?" He asked but the girl shrugged. "I don't really have a plan." She replied as she traced the metal of the top of the slide.

They both sighed and look off into the distance at the moon which floated just above the tip of a mountain. Then, from the corner of his hazel eye, he noticed the girl shivering. "Are you cold?" He asked her but she shook her head. "I don't get cold." She replied but she was clearly shivering. "You're shaking." He pointed out before taking off his jacket and putting it over the girl's shoulder.

She tried to pull it off but he pushed his hands down in her shoulders so she couldn't pull it off which made her let out a sigh of defeat. "You're so annoying." She muttered. "Oh yeah?" He asked with a slight chuckle and smirk. "Yes, you are." She replied as she crossed her arms.

She was surprised to feel the boy's lips pressed against hers which made her tense up for a moment before her shoulders relaxed. His hand rested up her jaw, his thumb gently moving across her cheek which sent a shiver down her spine. Ophelia kissed him back, his arms wrapped around his neck.

But their kiss was cut off by her yawning which made him chuckle. "I think we should head back." He suggested but she shook her head. "I'm not tired." She argued but James didn't believe and spun her around so she was sat between his legs and they slid down to the bottom of the slide.

"We're off back wether you like it or not." He said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up which made her huff as she reluctantly followed him back.

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