"it was a bad idea,"

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It was now the 3rd of November, which was Sirius' birthday

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It was now the 3rd of November, which was Sirius' birthday. He was now 17, making him the oldest Marauder which he often bragged about. That night there was party in the Gryffindor common room.

Ophelia was getting changed in the girl's dorm in the Gryffindor common room. However, they were all out helping set up the part, which meant they were working on stealing some alcohol from anywhere they could find it.

She stood alone in the dormitory, picking up the white shirt and the green tartan skirt she had picked out of her wardrobe. But as she pulled the shirt she was originally wearing over her head, the door opened.

"What the fuck!" Ophelia exclaimed as she pressed the shirt to her chest when she saw the messy haired boy. His hands instantly hit his eyes as he covered them, his cheeks going red under his hands. "Sorry." He apologised.

"Why are you just stood there? Get out!" She ordered which made him hurry out the room, the door closing behind him.

She let out a sigh when she began to turn red and hot of embarrassment, making her open the window and letting the cold air in. She then continued to get changed, doing up the black converses and throwing a coat over her.

She let out a sleep breath as she brushed through her brown hair, twirling her curtains around her fingers before putting her arm out to open the door.

She pulled it open to reveal James standing outside which made her jump. "Do you not know how to knock?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "I-I it's j-just that..that-" He stuttered to reply, his cheeks crimson.

She let out a sigh to calm down. "It's alright. Count it as a blessing." She replied with a wink which made him rub the back of his neck awkwardly. "Y-you look nice." He said as she walked away which made her stop and turn back with a confused look. "Is that a compliment? From James Potter?" She asked with wide eyes which made him roll his eyes but chuckle slightly.

"Take it. It's the only one you'll ever get." He replied as he walked past her on the staircase, her scoffing at his comment. "Whatever you say Bambi." She teased with a smirk.


Ophelia headed to the library until the party started. 'What a stereotypical Ravenclaw thing to do' she thought to herself as she sat at a cold table with a Charms book in her hands.

But she couldn't help but doodle in the corners of the parchment which she often got in trouble for doing. She mostly drew sketches of eyes or faces.

"Ophie!" Marlene called out which made her look up from the book to see the blonde girl running to her. "Why are you in here?" She asked as she looked around the room. "Going for a swim." She replied sarcastically.

"Well hurry. It's starting," Marlene said as she grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the chair. "I'm not drinking the worst alcohol." She added as she dragged the Ravenclaw along.


By the time they got to the common room, it was already full and the smell of alcohol intoxicated them all. Standing by the drink table was Remus who handed Ophelia a cup which she smelt. "Pumpkin juice. But do you know what it needs?" She asked the blonde girl.

"Fire whiskey!" She shouted in reply as she flicked off the lid and poured some into the cup. She then lifted the cups to her lips, shooting the drink before slamming the cup back onto the table.

Marlene then dragged her over to the already drunk and dancing Dorcas. For once they were successful in convincing Lily to drink, meaning they didn't have a sober person chasing them around all night.


Time continued and Ophelia's throat became dry due to singing loudly and not drinking water but liquor instead. She had also became hot so she fanned her face with her hand and she opened the window to let in a breeze before taking a break on the sofa.

She did not realise at first but James was sitting in the arm chair beside the crimson sofa. "Ahem." James cleared his throat to catch her attention which it did. When her brown eyes met his hazel ones, she jumped which made him chuckle.

"How come you're not with Sirius?" She asked as she leaned back and crossed her arms. "Pads? I just-" She interrupted him with wide eyes. "Pads? Like the feminine hygiene product?" Ophelia asked him which made him shake his head. "What's your nickname for Remus, Tampon?" She asked with a drunken laughter.

"Okay, you're drunk." James said which made her chuckle as she leaned back further into the cushion. "No, I'm Ophelia." She replied, followed by more drunk laughs. Then, from the corner of her chocolate brown eyes, she noticed a head of greasy ya which reflected off the lights in the common room.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she watch Snape pull out a small vile out of his cloak pocket, a sly look on his face when he began to pour it in. The boy the scurried away which made her look over at what made him run. It was Remus who was walking over to the cup.

Ophelia realised it was Remus' cup that Snape had poured a potion into so she jumped up. Her eyes widened in horror as he picked up the cup but she was able to snatch it out his hands and downed the drink, so drunk that she didn't think of the consequences.

"Why did you do that?" Remus asked with wide eyes as the girl wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I saw Snape put something in your drink." She replied quickly which made his eyebrows furrow. "So you drank it?" He asked quietly with a confused look.

She then glanced down to see he had dropped the small vile and it was rolling around the floor. She bent down to pick it up and inspected the worn away label. "Veritaserum," She read out to herself.

"Well, are you okay?" Remus asked with a concerned look. "I'm fine." She replied before leaving the shocked boy for the sofa.

"What happened there?" James asked with a confused look as she jumped onto the couch, resting her head on the arm of the seat. "Snape but veritaserum in Remus' drink but I drank it instead." She replied, putting her hands behind her head.

"I swear, when I get my hands on that greasy bastard-" James spat through gritted teeth. The two stayed silent for a few moments until James realised something. He shot up and grabbed her arm, dragging her up to his dorm.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she attempt to pry his hands off her arm but his grip was too strong. "You could tell someone about our deal." He whispered before bringing her to his dorm.

She threw herself onto his bed and laid one her back, sighing loudly. "You're room stinks." She said which made him scoff. "Of what?" He asked as he leaned on the poster of the bed. "You." She replied which made him chuckle and roll his eyes.

He then sighed as he too collapsed on the bed beside her, both inspecting the top of the bed. "What happened to you and Evan?" He asked, his hands on his stomach. "Huh?" She replied.

"Why did you break up?" He asked, sitting up this time. "You're a bit nosey, aren't you?" She asked with a smirk. "Marlene was planning on scaring Lily in the library," She began. "But she overheard Evan sayings I'm useless, disgusting, worthless." She added which made James sigh.

"Don't pull that sympathetic look." She said. "I hate it when people pull that face at me." She added.

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