"to bring you back home,"

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The 5 girls were all sat in the Gryffindor dorms one night but were extremely bored

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The 5 girls were all sat in the Gryffindor dorms one night but were extremely bored. Ophelia was sat beside Alice, leaning against the wall and throwing one of the smaller teddies up on the air and catching it with ease. Dorcas then gasped when she had an idea. "I have fire whiskey!" She exclaimed which made Marlene cheer but Lily shake her head.

"We can't get drunk, we have school tomorrow."
Lily protested but Marlene, Dorcas and Ophelia ignored and passed the bottle around, cringing at the taste as they forced themselves to swallow the liquor.

Lily rolled her eyes and huffed at the girls who tried to tempt her with the drink. "Nah, there's no way the little sweat with drink." Marlene teased with a smirk which made the girl shake her head. "I'm not a sweat! I care about other things then school!" Lily exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, like what?" Ophelia asked with a smirk and raised eyebrows. Lily looked around trying to think of something before letting out a frustrated huff and scratching the bottle from Dorcas and taking a large gulp.

The girls continued to drink until they noticed Alice beginning to fall asleep on her bed so they moved to the main part of the Gryffindor common room. The four girls sat between the red couches and armchairs, passing around the bottle which was almost empty.

Finally, Ophelia took the last sip, placing the empty bottle onto the coffee table as Dorlene booed. "What do we do now?" The blonde girl asked. They all looked around in thought, humming drinking as they did so until Dorlene jumped up.

"I have roller skates!" The curly haired girl shouted before running up to her dorm. "Me too!" Marlene shouted as she ran up after her. A few moments later, they came running down, each with a pair of roller blades in their hands. "But there's only two." Lily pointed out.

"Yeah, but we have something called magic." Marlene replied as they placed the skates on the floor and flicked their wands at them which made another pair appear next to them.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Ophelia asked as she jumped over the back of the sofa and fell to the floor to put the skates on.

The alcohol mixed with the wheels of the rollerblades were not a good mixture but the girls didn't care. They gripped onto furniture and walls and the pushed themselves out of the common room and through the portrait.

But once they were out, there were little to no obstacles to hit, so the girls planned a race. The all lined up just on the edge of a crack in the stone tiles. "Hey! You're over the line!" Ophelia shouted as she pointed as Marlene who Dorlene pulled back.

"Ready..." Lily called out. "Steady..." She added slowly. "Go!" She shouted which made all the girls push themselves forwards. This was when they found out the hallways to Hogwarts were not exactly straight so they began to pick up speed down the slightly ramped halls.

Unluckily, Ophelia was in the middle of the group of rolling girls so she had nothing to grab onto. Their eyes then widened when they saw a sharp turn in the corridor and Marlene and Lily grabbed onto the wall whilst Dorlene grabbed onto Marlene.

But Ophelia was going too fast to grab onto anything. The horrific mixture of the unbalancing of being drunk and the fact she had hardly skated before had sealed her doom.

She quickly glanced back to look at the girls who had successfully stopped but when she turned her head around, her face hit the stone brick wall.

She felt a deep crack and stinging from small cuts. The impact had made her fall onto the floor but she was able to catch herself with her hands which should of broken the fall. Marlene , Lily and Dorlene all threw off the shakes and ran shoeless you the girl.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked as the girl slowly lifted up her head. Blood was falling out of nostrils and pooling onto the floor she laid on. The bridge of her nose had been graded, revealing the bright red skin beneath and on her forehead, just above her right eyebrows, was a deep gash which was leaking with blood.

But the girl was so drunk she could hardly feel the injuries and tried to sit up. Just then, they heard footsteps which made them all jump. They watched in horror as a shadow turned the corner, all feeling like they were stuck in place.

But they let out a sigh of relief when it was only James. He pushed up his glasses which were falling down his nose when he saw the guilty looking girls. He then glanced down to see Ophelia who was smiling at him, showing off her red teeth with had blood hidden in the cracks.

"What happened?" He asked as he hurried over and knelt by the floor of blood. "What do you think dumb ass." She replied which made him roll his eyes and he looked down at her feet to she the roller skates which made him sigh.

"Can you get up?" He asked the girl who nodded as she sat up with ease which made him sigh of relief when she wasn't seriously hurt. He then glanced back to ask Lily to bring him a cloth but the three girls had gone.

So instead, he had to help to girl up. He put her arm over his shoulders as she walked back. That was when he smelt the alcohol. "Have you been drinking?" He asked which made her shake her head with a guilty face. "That was explain somethings." He muttered as the approached the portrait.

Once they were back in the common room, he sat her down on the red couch as he hurried off, soon coming back with a damp cloth and plasters. She sat with her legs crossed on the couch, swinging backwards and forwards as he tried to clean the cuts.

Out of frustration that the girl was not staying still he grabbed her legs and pulled her off the sofa and onto his knees as he was knelt on the floor. She was now sat on his knees with her legs wrapped around his hips. This allowed James to hold her face still as he pressed the cloth on the cuts which made her hiss at the sting.

"Well maybe it wouldn't sting if you stayed still." He said as he began to hold down on the large cut on her forehead. "Why are you doing this? I can clean them myself." Ophelia pointed out. "Because I care about you." He replied.

The room when silent. James stared awkwardly at Ophelia, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact. But Ophelia was frozen, not knowing how to reply to that so they stayed quiet for the rest of the night as he put plasters over her nose and forehead.

"Goodnight." She said with a slight smile, the first thing the two had said I'm what felt like years. "Night." He replied before they both walked up the stairs to the dorms.

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