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I T H A S N O W been a month since that night, a month since I lost my mate, since I started hating my sister more than ever. I even lost the incentive for life.

I gave up on college, I just didn't have the motivation anymore. Every day feels busy even though I don't do much other than stay in my bedroom.

I wake up and wish that it was nearly time to go back to sleep, I couldn't face the reality that was my life. Oh how fucked up this has all gone!

My sister and Vincent have not been lacking in rubbing their new mateship in my face. He's always at my house at least every day. I try not to be there when he is, I usually just hide away.

The pack are delighted with the future alpha and Luna, all asking when the mating ceremony and alpha coronation will take place. It was happening soon funnily enough.

I don't think I can stay here anymore it's just too painful. I wake up every morning and have butterflies in my stomach, but not the lovely wonderful kind.

The kind that make you sick and make your heart beat fast and loud. Your stomach feels knotted and it only gets tighter.

I wasn't planning on staying here anyway, or well I was after I met Vincent. But all of that has changed now. I don't want to be around when they get married, start having a family, a future alpha bloodline.

I could just sneak off into the night, disappear and never be seen again. Then again I couldn't leave Maya without saying goodbye.

I know how Maya is, she'd want to leave with me, but I can't let her do that. She has a life here, her mom, her future mate. Her fathers grave also sits here, I'd never want her to leave that behind.

I guess I'll give her a subtle goodbye, she'll think I'm going home, but really I'll know it'll be the last time I ever see her.

It's heartbreaking at the fact I can't stick around to be with Maya and Sarah and all because of that fucking alpha. Doesn't matter if my sister is his mate, so am I, or has he forgotten that?

I can't runaway just yet, I need cash first! I'm not sure how I will equip it, however I will one way or another.

Even if I need to steal from my sperm donor, big Barry owes me compensation for all the trauma he's put me through.

I'll figure it out soon enough.

A ringing from my phone suddenly echos through the room. Maya's ID presents itself on the screen. I instantly answer.

"Please tell me you are calling because your getting me out of this hell hole for the night" I say in a hopeful voice.

Maya chuckles on the other end "of course baby it's a Saturday night and I have decided you are a total hermit and you need out to play"

I smile "good where we going?"

"We're going out out, like out out out"

"Your not dragging me to some skanky bar are you because I really don't want t–" I get cut off by Maya and her loud voice.

"NOOOO, shut up a second. We are going to a lovely bar which is more like a club which will be filled with dic–"

My turn to snap her statement short "okay! I get it! I'll be ready in an hour just come over to mine when your ready"

"Roger doger!"

The phone hangs up and I scoff at my best friend, I love her but she's crazy.

I stick my phone on charge on my bedside table and do a light jog towards my bedroom door which I swing open.

Vincent's Betrayal Where stories live. Discover now