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W E M A D E   I T back to the bunker linking hands the whole time because someone refused to let go. Not me! It's him.

He's so damn clingy and we've only known each other five damn minutes. I am not sure if I can do this as like a life time thing, because that's thousands of years away before I die. And that's a long time to be stuck with somebody.

I thought I wanted that with Vincent, but after everything, after all these years it seems silly having someone as a romantic partner. I have been without it so long I'm set in my ways.

The male was confused when we stopped in front of the bunker entrance as he could not see our entry way. Whenever I have the cars I usually just get Dakota to grant me access, but there are other ways.

"Ferusa!" I say with such authority.

There's a bang and a boom before the entrance to the bunker opens. The male just stares, not a word. Still not letting go of my hand.

I pull him down the cement ramp that takes us to the next bunker entrance. The male tugs a little at my hand, he's skeptical. Is he scared of me?

The thought makes me sad for some reason, I usually like making people feel scared of me.

"Your okay" I look into his eyes "really" I nod at him. He nods back and goes back to his hard exterior.

This male must be some sort of soldier, or of high ranking. He is big. Not particularly in muscles not in the disgusting way. He's muscular in the arms. But has a sort of thick torso, not fat as he has abs and a v-line but his torso is very wide and broad.

I refuse to look any lower, I can't. It's been so long! I would take him so hard right now if I looked. I feel myself moistening at the thought. I bite my lip and keep walking down this pathway.

Back there with the 'Ferusa' thing, it's a fake spell. It's magical and enchanted and it was given to me by a friend that can summon and do magic, cast spells and enchantments. She holds a mixture of light and dark magic, both very useful depending on the situation.

She gave me a spell that would help me get access back to my bunker but also to protect it from rogues, wonderers and enemies. I should ask her about a spell to help me hide Clementine Valley better.

We enter the main door to get inside and walk down various hallways and few staircases until we reach my office. It's the only place I'll be able to hide him from others and I am not taking him to my bedroom!

I let go of his hand to unlock my office door, I thought he might complain at the loss of contact but he didn't, stone cold silent. I can't even hear his breath.

Once the door is open I stand in the doorway and usher him inside with a hand gesture and a nod. He stares at me for a second, then looks into the room before entering.

I huff and close the door behind us both and tell him to take a seat. As if to wind me up he takes a seat on my good leather chair. Is he taking the mick?

"Excuse me" I stare at him. He turns to me with no expression "that's my seat you are on" I point at the chair. Silence.

"Move" I say frustrated. He smirks. Bastard.

"Are you trying to wind me up?"

He turns serious and stands up from the desk and comes barrelling towards me. My eyes go wide as I inwardly scream. He grabs my waist and the back of my head and presses me hard against the wall, putting his hand there to make sure he didn't hurt or injure me I presume.

The heat I felt coursing through my body was intense in that moment. His face inches away from my own, his light pink lips what were slightly dry and cracked near my own full dark red ones.

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