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We arrived in Blue Stone a little over a week ago and it was strange to me, being on a mission without my side kick. But I understand why she couldn't come.

She shouldn't have to swallow her pride to be here because at the end of the day she's doing a favour for a friend and that's all. She doesn't care about the rest of them at Blue Stone, her alliance with Marcel means more than her family.

I haven't met any of her family yet or her so called mate. Marcel has been dealing with the alpha and the family directly where as I have been training our troops and volunteers.

The war was coming soon and we all knew it, the air here started to become thicker and more tense. Everyone could sense it.

I haven't called Hadley or reported back to her because I don't want her to have to hear about our helping Blue stone, or what her home pack is like now. It would be just too painful for her.

Plus Hadley is smart, she can handle herself and I know she'll be okay whatever she's getting up to...


I literally couldn't believe what I was hearing. Who the hell was this guy? And why is he calling me his mate?

That is not possible, Vincent is my mate. Even to this day Vincent is technically my mate we just aren't together and I hate him.

My body felt so good with this male touching me and our skin on skin. It sent tingles through my spine and my fingertips felt electric.

The male lifts his head from my neck and starts rubbing his nose against mine but I am so still and holding in a breath. He made me nervous, intimidated.

"My mate" he kept repeating over and over as though he was trying to convince me. Like he knew I was in denial, probably because I was acting like a statue.

He looks over my face checking every scar and every feature. Taking me in and trying to memorise everything.

I whisper "Who are you?" And he tilts his head in confusion.

"Mate" he replies "MINE" he puts emphasis on the word.

My eyes flick between his two and I begin to have a million different thoughts which I begin to say out loud

"This can't be happening. I mean really this is crazy. This isn't real this isn't real this isn't real, you're not real. Who even are you? Why are you on my land?" My voice doesn't stop to take a breath.

I begin hyperventilating and struggle to get a steady rhythm of breath going. The male's eyes roam over me in panic and he begins to hush me and rub circles with his thumbs over my hips.

He leans down once again to kiss my jaw gently and slowly and makes his way down from my jaw bone to my neck, to my throat and down to my collar bone. He was trying to distract me and calm me down.

My heart was no longer pounding out of my chest instead it was pumping at a steady beat. I could catch my breath once more and I closed my eyes as he continued to kiss around my neck.

I hate to admit it but it felt like heaven, pure paradise. Everything bad seemed to wash away in this moment. My stomach swirled in a mix of what i can only describe as nervous butterflies and a burning sensation. Like heart burn but in my stomach.

I managed to push him off of me, to his disapproval. Continuously coming back to me. I sit up "Stop!"

He stills. "Just stop" I raise myself up from the ground. He whimpers while looking at me with full dark eyes.

I huff and walk close to him "come with me" I extend my hand out to pull him up from the grass.

His face becomes expressionless as he takes my hand and let's me help him up from the ground. I keep my eyes trained on his own in order to avoid his genital area. It was hard to do so when it was practically level with my face.

He is one of the tallest males I have ever come across. I look like a child next to him. That's definitely gonna give people the wrong impression.

The sun slightly shines through onto his face, he's very pale, a bit like me. And his face has lots of detail to it. Lots of what looks like battle scars carved into his face. It's very lined and prominent making him look somewhat older that what I presume he should be.

He can't be anymore than thirty. Hopefully not any younger either cause I ain't doing that. I don't need my mate to be my toy boy.

I pull my hand away to which he stares at the loss of contact, he grunts in disapproval and black eyes snap back to me.

He makes me feel like I can't breathe, like I can't catch my breath. Maybe because I'm nervous around him?

"I'm taking you back to my pack. We can sort out who you are and where you come from and you can tell me why you've come"

It's like a piece of string that is invisible connects us, that's what it feels like. He doesn't say anything. The mystery man with no name, my mystery man.

"You know I own these lands? I don't know how you managed to get past the guards and trackers because I have many circling the perimeter twenty four hours a day. So that's impressive" also means I need to have a word with my team and up my security.

"Come on" I tell him. I start walking away back toward the bunker. I'm pulled back by a warm calloused hand that grips my own tightly.

I turn my head and look down at the connection. I roll my eyes "if you insist on hand holding then come the fuck on and let's go!" My voice stern.

He makes a funny little snort noise and begins walking. It was weird holding his hand. I had not done this before. Like properly I mean. It's been so long since I felt a males touch this way. With such deep feeling.

I was terrified of what was to come...


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