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I  B E C A M E  C O N C E R N E D when we got back to the pack house because Vincent didn't direct me toward Doctor Moore's practice. Instead we were headed for somewhere totally foreign to me.

I wanted to grill him about where we were going but I kept quiet because I didn't want to speak to him at all, I didn't have the energy.

I was completely drained and lacking in the mood to have a conversation with anyone. I just prayed it wasn't something sinister I was walking into.

However life doesn't seem to work out for me very well as Vincent opened a big heavy door made out of steel black metal. Once opened he urged me with his hand to enter first and even though I was skeptical I still decided to go as he told me to.

Curiosity got the best of me and made it seem as though I was following my former mates order which wasn't the case.

I walked down many spiral steps which were lit with very dim vintage styled oil lamps. The scent of blood and human excrement wafted into my nose which made me frown in disgust and almost choke.

The dungeons. He's brought me to the pack prison which was situated underground in the pack house. There was no windows, no light except from the open staircase which i was almost done stepping down.

A quick spurt of fear shot through me and I was ready to flight on instinct. Vincent grabbed me before I was able to budge past him and I screamed.

He threw me to the floor and I tumbled down what I counted to be three hard concrete steps. I hit the flat ground at the end of the staircase and groaned in pain.

"You'll heal" Vincent said in an annoyed tone and rolled his eyes.

I couldn't believe how careless he was being with me, I know he doesn't want me anymore but to hurt me was a whole other level. I wouldn't let myself become afraid of him I forbid it!

He lifted my weakened body up with his arms and dragged me toward a pitch black cell with chunky silver bars.

I was flung into the cell and the door slammed shut with a loud clang. I stood up straight away and wrapped my fingers around the bars then tugged and thrashed to get it open.

Vincent just stood watching me like the cold hearted monster he was "why are you not reacting to the silver?"

"Because dumbass, I HAVE NO WOLF! Remember? Or have you already forgotten everything about me, wouldn't surprise me" I shrug and kick away at the bars in frustration.

"Yeah your a pathetic human I forgot, sorry" he said sarcastically with an evil grin.

"Your a disgusting person Vincent. I'll never forgive you for any of this ever! I curse you and my sister, I curse this whole pack. Your all CUNTSSSS!" my anger was evident. I was furious and bubbling inside with anguish.

I continued "your no alpha your just a boy. It's as though a sixteen year old boy was trapped in your body. Your stupid and cold, you don't deserve to lead a pack"

"Your nothing Hadley, you don't belong here or anywhere. Your a werewolf with no wolf. The world doesn't have a place for you, your just a mistake"

With that Vincent turned his back and exited the dungeons. I gave a loud scream but it sounded dark and came from my exasperation.

I stepped back from the bars taking a look at my new surroundings. I could only see the area where Vincent stood before on the other side of the cell. I was surrounded by total darkness.

I hear sounds of loud shrieks and sobs along with the sound of someone hacking up a fur ball as though they were a cat.

The only word to describe the aroma down here was death. Rotting and decaying like a week old corpse was the main and most strong smell.

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