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I  W O N D E R  W H A T that was about with Vincent. He's with my sister so why would he feel any sort of sexual tension towards me. I could practically smell the desire flowing off of him. I'm surprised no one else noticed.

Maya and myself walked through the woods in order to get to Blairdon and from there we would get a cab into the city.

I've not been to the city very much, only a few times. To tell you the truth I've never actually been anywhere outside of the pack and Blairdon. Never been on vacation anywhere, never left the country.

It's a-shame because I would of loved to have got the chance to travel to somewhere else and have different experiences. I've never really had an adventure in my life which is pretty sad to admit.

In werewolf society you travel between packs on business never for pleasure unless there is a mate ball which hardly ever happens since it's rare to find a mate outside of the pack.

Which makes it strange as to why Vincent would travel to Spain in search for his other half when it's very rare that your mate is in a different pack. It does happen just not a lot.

My guess is that he foraged through the pack, had no success so went else where, but then when that failed he came back and found me but then ended up mating with my sister.

Yeah it's totally fucked up. Vincent has two mates, two females to choose from. Well I mean he did have two to choose from he's already made his choice. He chose the strong one, the pretty one, the popular one, the daddies girl. Ugh.

"I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but your dad is a total asswipe" Maya points out making me break out in hysterics.

"Oh trust me I know he is"

"What was all that crap about being underage, has he forgotten your already 18?–" she pauses her sentence for a moment, trying to remember the argument that just occurred between myself and my father. "Also why did they want you to stay just to talk about Hayley and Vincent? I mean what has it got to do with you?"

I wasn't offended by Maya's question, I understood what she meant. As far as my family is concerned I have never met my mate and my sister is the first out of me and my siblings to meet her other half.

Why does it concern me what happens with their mating ceremony? I don't even want to attend that stupid event never mind sit and discuss it down to the very last detail.

I have done everyone a favour by keeping quiet about recent affairs and it's best it stays that way. My family wouldn't believe me anyway about being mated to Vincent, no one would, it was pointless.

I should be fighting for what's mine, and I believe I will at some point, but right now I'm willing to keep my head down and let Vincent get on with what he wants to do. If he wants to end up stuck with my sister, so be it.

"You know that my family just wants me to be miserable so why not shove the fact that my baby sister has found her mate because she's the real wolf, the real deal and I'm a pathetic 'half breed' who will never amount to anything more than human. That's why Maya, they wanna push me to the point where I slit my wrists and I'm found dead in my bath tub" the anger and frustration laced throughout my voice made itself bold and known. I was angry, totally resentful towards everyone and everything.

"Okay baby girl firstly your not a half breed your a full wolf! Second of all you are not gonna pull a Hannah baker I wouldn't let you. Also don't joke about suicide okay it's not a joke!" Maya speaks in a serious tone while pointing her index finger in my face.

Vincent's Betrayal Where stories live. Discover now