making fun of each other

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A/N ~ listen i don't despise this one like i do a couple of the others so enjoy !! also i took down the one before this bc it was AWFUL

All four of you were home after Cruella's event when she was tipped out of a rubbish van. You were all tired as hell and Jasper and Horace had fallen asleep snoring on the sofa. This left you and Cruella sat on the floor using her dress as a more comfortable seat, the dogs also making themselves at home on the mounds of fabric. You chuckled at the sight of it as you laid down on the dress.

'Hey, you can't fall asleep! You need to help me out of this!' Cruella whisper yelled.

You chuckled as spoke ironically, 'Yes ma'am!'

You peeled yourself off her dramatic dress and stood up, looking down at your girlfriend who looked like she was being devoured by the fabrics and chuckled again before shooing away the dogs. Cruella reached up at you with her arms outstretched causing you to cackle at the sight before quickly shutting yourself up to not wake up the boys.

'Don't laugh at me! This is fashion darling!' The woman exclaimed.

You both looked at each other trying to hold in the laughter. Well let's just say it didn't work very well.

You both ended up cackling like a couple of witches before you moved to actually help her up. You grabbed her hands, pulling the hot mess up only to tread on her dress and topple backwards pulling her down with you.

Now on top of you, Cruella began to laugh even more as your hands were left on the woman's shoulders. Cruella leant in to your ear.

'This is a rather suggestive position darling.' She purred through the audible smile that you could tell graced her features as she spoke.

'It would be if you weren't covered in ten tonnes of scrap fabric, love.' You replied in laughter.

'Well then dear you better help me get it off hmm?' Cruella spoke jokingly seductively with a wink.

'Cruella, honey, once I free you from this prison of a dress I am going straight to sleep like those idiots.' You said, gesturing to the men that went out like a light.

Once you had helped her up you began fumbling around for a zipper or some kind of guidance to get it off. You basically ended up circling your girlfriend with your hands fiddling everywhere.

'Are you doing this purposely darling or are you just a bit stupid?' Cruella questioned as she held her arms up with a smirk.

'The latter, love.' You muttered as you continued your search.

A few minutes passed when you finally found the zipper.

'AH!' You shouted in triumph.

This simple act caused Cruella to jump, placing a hand over her heart, and the boys woke up with a start.

'So NOW they wake up?!' You exclaimed before falling into laughter once more.

'What the hell was you screaming for?!' Horace yelled causing your girlfriend to chuckle.

'She found the zipper of my dress, Horace.' She purred in an overly suggestive tone again.

'Oh GOD!' Jasper cried in disgust.

'NO!' You hit Cruella on the shoulder, 'We're just having some technical difficulties on the dress and it's removal.'

'Not helping Y/N/N.' Horace added.

'Whatever just get it off darling.' Cruella spoke with ease.

'God not in here! We don't wanna see that!' Jasper yelled again.

You made dead eye contact with the woman creating an unspoken agreement before pulling down the dress, revealing her undergarments. Cruella struck a pose and the boys groaned with childish disgust as they covered their eyes.

You looked to Cruella again and burst into a fit of laughter once more as she too began to laugh. You smiled at her, still laughing as you helped her step out of the fabric mound and she took a dramatic bow in front of you.

'Forever the drama queen, Cruella.' You laughed.

'Forever and always darling.' She said with a wink.

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