death of someone close

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A/N ~ this takes place on the way back from the black and white ball when Cruella/Estella just found out about the Baroness killing her mother
also also ignore the fact ive purged a couple chapters i just absolutely hated them and if patching each other up suddenly goes missing don't question it xoxo

enjoyy <33

Speeding recklessly through the streets, Estella had her eyes fixed coldly on the road ahead of her. You were positioned in the passenger seat in the front and Jasper and Horace were in the back, holding on for dear life as Estella rapidly approached an oncoming car.

'CAR!' Horace shouted out as he noticed.

'NO SHIT SHERLOCK WE'RE ON THE WRONG BLOODY SIDE OF THE ROAD!' You yelled while you kept drawing nearer to the car ahead, 'ESTELLA WHAT THE HELL?!'

The woman took no notice of you, swerving at the last minute causing the other car to crash straight into a phonebox. Your hand gripped the handle above you tightly as the other clutched the edge of the seat. The car was going straight again still at a terrifying pace until Jasper called out to Estella.

'Pull over.' He spoke pleadingly.

And she did.

The minute the car was at a standstill Estella was out the car and you released a breath you didn't even realise you were holding. You sat for a moment catching your breath, the men in the back doing the same thing, and after about 30 seconds you were back in reality and quickly got out to see your girlfriend.

Estella was standing with her back to you, staring out over the river ahead. Despite her ragged breathing that you could easily notice from the exaggerated movement in her shoulders, this was still a picture perfect moment. But scenery could wait.

You decided to approach her cautiously, weary after the stunt with the car, calling out to her gently with her name. You received no response. Instead of trying again you moved forward and placed a hand on her shoulder from behind her. Estella jumped slightly, her head turning to look at you.

Your eyes were met with a glassy and sad gaze as you could see her trembling. You had absolutely no clue if this was all out of rage or sadness. Knowing how truly determined she was to get this necklace back it could've been both. You stared at her for a moment, trying desperately to search her features for some kind of answer but there was no avail. Eventually she spoke up on her own, knowing all three of you needed an answer.

'The Baroness killed my mother.' She began.

Your brows furrowed in confusion as Jasper was the one to question it first.

'What are you talking about?' He asked her in an almost cautious manner after the drive they'd just completed.

'The whistle- she called the dogs on her- she...' Estella paused unintentionally, unable to speak for a few moments.

Your hand remained firmly on her shoulder as you spoke to her.

'It's alright Stell, take your time.' You spoke quietly to her.

Estella shifted her gaze back to you, revealing all the hurt she had pent up for years, constantly blaming herself for her mother's death. Her lower lip trembled slightly and you moved your arm further round her back in attempt to offer more comfort.

'It wasn't my fault. She-' The woman said, barely above a whisper with a wavering voice, turning her gaze back ahead of her.

'Honey, breathe.' You whispered to her as you turned to the boys behind you with a concerned look.

'She killed her... Like she was.. nothing.' Estella struggled to complete the sentences, not wanting any of it to be true.

You bought your other arm up, signalling a hug if she wanted one. Estella happily accepted, her head resting in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms tightly around her. You pressed a kiss to her head.

'Oh blimey.' Horace breathed out, hands on his head.

'Horace.' You scolded disapprovingly as you glared at him over Estella's two-toned hair.

You continued to hold Estella as you felt the patch of tears rapidly growing on your shoulder while the woman cried silently. You gently stroked her back in attempt to calm her, bringing the other up to her head to further hold her in place.

Jasper and Horace took their leave and began to walk back to your apartment with the dogs, leaving you and Estella alone. A few tears escaped your own eyes seeing the woman you love so vulnerable and hurt by the woman she was so excited to work for. You could kill the Baroness yourself for all she's done to your beloved. Not only did she overwork Estella and take the necklace that was rightfully hers, she made a young girl grow up being so harsh on herself with the belief that she killed her own mother.

Rage began bubbling inside of you until you remembered your main priority. And that main priority was currently a total mess in your arms. Shifting your position slightly, you peeled Estella off of you, now holding her by the shoulders in front of you.

Estella's make up was all over her face (and your shoulder for that fact) and tears continued to stream from her still stunning blue eyes. You moved your hands to brush away the tears and try and clear some of the black stains running down her face, which unsurprisingly ended with you holding her face in your hands.

'Estella, darling, you're going to be okay.' You tell her in a loving yet stern tone.

She nods and releases a shaky breath.

You take a step closer towards her and before pulling your hands away you place a sweet and delicate kiss on her lips, tasting the salty tang from her tears. Estella happily reciprocated, easily finding comfort in your affection.

Once you stepped away again you held out your hand to her.

'Come on Stell, let's go home.' You smile sympathetically at her and she takes your hand in hers.

You begin your silent journey back hand in hand, both contemplating the next few steps towards Estella's revenge against the Baroness.

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