watching the other sleep

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Cruella, on her way back from Regent's Park after discovering the truth about the Baroness thought it only right to stop by yours. You were one of the seamstresses that helped make her outfits but she always treated you differently. Eventually the two of you ended up dating not too soon before the last performance.

You had watched the place you had spent so much time in, making so many memories with Cruella, go up in flames with your girlfriend in there. Artie had found you watching it burn and convinced you to come home, staying with you until you fell asleep (which took a rather long while and included a lot of tears being shed). You had fallen asleep on the sofa and that was where you remained right up to now.

Cruella crept up the stairs to your apartment, careful not to wake anyone in the early hours of the morning. She had a key to yours just like you had a key to hers so she let herself in as quietly as possible.

As the door swung open slowly the woman was met with the view of you curled up on the sofa. Cruella let out a sigh of relief but upon closer inspection she witnessed the messy hair and tear stained face and clothes. The villain's heart broke seeing you like this but she was just thankful you weren't caught up in the flames.

The woman made her way over, tiptoeing over the mess you had left the place in before coming to sit in the armchair adjacent to the sofa you were on. She sat formally as always but with her head rested on her hand that propped her up on the arm of the armchair, observing every detail with care.

Cruella studied your everything from your messed up hair right down to your shoes that you hadn't taken off yet and after a while her focus came to settle on your breathing. And god was she glad that you still were. As much as she hated to admit it, Cruella needed you by her side, especially now she knew who she was, and the thought of that not being possible bought a few tears to her eyes.

Those tears were quickly brushed away and she turned her attention to the table in front of her in attempt to busy herself. Only the tears were bought straight back when her eyes met a polaroid of the two of you curled up and fast asleep on the massive dress made for the rubbish van reveal at her home, a picture one of the boys must've taken when they all got back.

Cruella went to reach for the picture but as she did, she knocked a glass over causing you to wake with a start. The woman jumped too but her face quickly changed into a smile seeing that you were awake now.

Your eyes were opened wide in a mixture of fear and confusion as you whispered out a shaky, 'What the fuck?!'

Your chest was heaving as you stared at your girlfriend in front of you, who was equally a mess but also supposed to be dead?!

'Cruella?!' You asked warily as you looked at her.

'Yes darling. Don't freak out, you see my wonderful self everyday.' She purred with a false confidence.

You jumped up and ran to her as she stood to great you. Pulling her in almost aggressively, more tears escaped your eyes as you held the love of your life who you thought you had lost in the fire.

After minutes passed by standing like this, wrapped in each other's arms and both in shock from prior events, you spoke again.

'Well excuse me for freaking out.' You breathed out mocking her earlier tone, 'I only thought you were dead!'

'Oh do come on, darling, you should know I'm not that easy to get rid of.' Cruella spoke still holding you tightly.

You both chuckled before pulling away. You let your fingers trace her features as she gazed into your eyes lovingly.

'Hang on a minute. Were you watching me sleep?!' You smirked.

'Yes.' Cruella answered simply.

You hummed in response and took her hand, walking her into the kitchen where she took her classic place sat on the island as you fixed breakfast, a routine you had practised many times before. You prepared breakfast for the two of you with your back to her.

'So, my love.' You turned back around with two plates in your hand and a knowing smirk on your face, 'I'm assuming there's a plan?'

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