sleeping in

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A/N ~ hello hello hello !! this one is a bit short so apologies for that but i hope you enjoy anyway :)


Due to both your jobs, you and your girlfriend Cruella needed to be up and out early in the morning, much to your dislike. Today however you both had a day off. You may think, oh a day off how lovely! We'll spend the day in bed because we never get to do that, right?!


7am this morning you felt your girlfriend beginning to move beside you. When you finally managed to open your eyes you witnessed her fully dressed and fully made up to go about the day, the classic black and white hair out as she did not have to hide as Estella today. You groaned rather loudly in disapproval seeing Cruella all ready to leave you.

'Good morning to you too, my darling.' Cruella chuckled and smirked at you.

You rolled yourself towards her dramatically causing the villain to chuckle. When you reached her you wrapped your arms around her waist, still laying down on the bed, silently refusing to get up as you pulled her to sit down with you on the bed.

'No.' You stated simply, shutting your eyes now you had her in your grasp.

'No what?' The woman questioned you with a content smile seeing you like this in the morning for once.

'No, I am not letting you leave the bed this damn early on our day off.' You clarified.

'Is that so?' Cruella pursed her lips teasingly before she began to tickle you mercilessly in attempt to escape your grasp.

Your eyes snapped open and you cackled as you thrashed around, releasing the woman immediately but she didn't stop. Continuing her actions, she moved to hover over you only for you to stop reacting instantly when you had a good enough position to grab your girlfriend. Your hands found Cruella's waist and you dragged her down properly, laying her next to you and securing your catch by snuggling up to her instantly, your head on her chest. Victory.

'You see honey, I'm quite the actress when it comes to something I want.' You spoke in a still sleepy yet smug tone, shutting your eyes once more as you revelled in the sweet success.

'Y/N, darling, I do have work to do soon and you're going to mess up my hair. I have to go and meet-' She tried to protest but you had other plans.

'In the nicest way possible love,' You interrupted her before whispering, 'I really. don't. care.'

In defeat, Cruella huffed playfully and wrapped her arms around you, letting you win as always. She may be the bad guy in a lot of peoples books but she did have the world's biggest soft spot for you.

And, well, that was that. On that one rare morning where you both had the day to yourselves, you claimed Cruella Deville all to yourself.

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