drawing each other

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A/N ~ we all know these oneshots have a trend of not fitting into the plot so just imagine the dress she wore to the Black and White ball was her own design xoxo
ps im really not a fan of this and it is incredibly cringy so apologies for that but i was stuck on how to make this work


You were sat on the sofa with Buddy and Wink watching the TV as Cruella worked away in the back, sketching up a new plan for her outfit for the Baroness' black and white ball. The woman was rather stuck as to where to go with the dress and in retaliation Cruella tore up the paper she was working on and threw it away from herself, letting her head fall to the desk in defeat. You caught on to her struggles and craned your body round to see her.

'Love, why don't you give yourself a break?' You asked her lovingly.

'Because darling,' Cruella began as she lifter her head off the desk to look at you, 'I don't have time for breaks if I want to get the attention of the Baroness.'

You thought she was staring blankly at you but really she had had a fabulous idea to base her dress off of you. Cruella had been stuck on the colour, the style, and how to make it stand out but looking at you it all came into place. She broke her stare instantly and began scribbling down ideas. You chuckled and turned your attention back to the TV, this process happening each time she designed a new piece.

'Don't laugh at me darling, I've just had the most wonderful idea.' Cruella muttered without taking her focus off her new piece.

She would make it your favourite colour, red, and make it totally wild and bright but perfectly refined at the same time, just how she saw you. The woman would also incorporate a white piece to cover the gown that would burn to reveal the actual garment in order to originally fit in with the ball and really make a statement when it burnt.

After a long while of sketching out the dress, Cruella finally looked up to reveal you standing over her desk, looking down at the work. You looked up to meet her eyes with a bright smile that would always break down Cruella's harsh exterior.

'And to think I thought you couldn't get any better.' You smiled brightly at her, face lit up by the dim light.

'You're to thank for this one darling.' She purred back to you.

You leant in to peck her lips before telling her you were off to bed. Cruella assured you she would join you soon after finishing off the last bits on the piece.

Once you had left she wanted to try and draw the dress in more detail to get a proper vision of what it would look like on someone. However the woman was slightly distracted and with the vision of your smile over her desk in the little light in addition to the tiredness of overworking herself the past few days, she ended up peacefully sketching you in the dress for hours into the night until she fell asleep on the artwork, titling it, 'My Darling x'.


The next morning you woke up to an empty bed, your mood already faltering at that fact. You pulled yourself out of bed, lazily pulling a robe around your body before walking out into the main area of the house. Your eyes were met with your girlfriend in almost the exact position you had left her last night. You shook your head with a strange loving disappointment. You admired her commitment, sure, but you would like to wake up with your girlfriend actually next to you one day.

You walked over to her quietly, trying not to wake her and as you reached her desk you saw a sketch of your own face sticking out from beneath Cruella's head. You gently removed the paper, revealing a detailed sketch of you in her new dress. Scanning over the art, your heart was filled with adoration for the seemingly cruel woman and that only grew when you viewed the lazily written title. You held the drawing in front of you, looking at it some more before placing it down and looking at your girlfriend's sleeping form. You bent down and placed a hand on her shoulder gently, the other hand resting upon the sketch still.

Cruella startled awake until she noticed it was you, at which she groaned and put her head back on the desk. You chuckled and ran a hand gently through her two toned hair.

'You drew me, love.' You spoke with a smile.

Cruella sat up like a rocket and grabbed the page from you. A sigh of relief left her lips.

'So the lack of sleep doesn't affect my art.' She said to herself and looked back up at you, 'But it doesn't do you any justice, my darling. You are so much more beautiful in reality.'

Your heart almost burst at her statement, especially as the hidden sleepy tone it was delivered in made it all the more adorable added to the sight of Cruella's smudged make up and total bed hair.

'I love you, Cruella.' You spoke in full truth.

'I love you too, my darling.' She responded sweetly, 'But right in this moment my back is killing me and I'm going to bed.'

You chuckled and moved around the desk to grab her hands, helping her up and pulling her into you for a hug. You both smiled tiredly as you held each other, half awake but fully in love.

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