VI. The Jump

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I pounced for the goblet, nearly knocking it over as I dumped the remaining liquid from it and hid it behind my back.

"Alright, I'm coming in," the man at the door warned.

In moments I was there, a false smile on my face. I opened it slightly, getting a look at the dark skinned man who stood in front of me. He had a stern look on his face, his helmet looped on his arm.

"I must speak with the captain." 

"Is there something I can relay to him? He's... in a state," I replied, giving my best smile.

"Move aside," the man said. He shoved at the door but I held it fast. "Miss, I would suggest moving before I must move you."

"You can try." I smirked. His sword was out in a flash of steel. He pointed it at my throat, a wicked sneer on his face. 

"The Captain has many of your  like. I'm sure he won't mind if one goes missing." 

I sucked in a breath and smiled once more. Stepping aside, I bowed my head slightly, allowing him to pass. The man did not sheath his sword, his jaw clenched and eyes alert. A sheen of sweat coated his brow as he pushed by. 

The sight of his unconscious captain in a puddle on the floor caused him to pause, a momentary lapse that was all I needed to wrap my arms around his neck and kick off the wall, sending us tumbling to the floor. 

"You-!" He struggled under my hold as I swiftly disarmed his sword arm, the steel clattering to the ground. 

Despite my iron grip, he was large and he would not relent. One blow to my ribs had me gasping for air, my own body betraying me. He moved to pin me to the ground, but I was smaller and quicker. Sucking in a breath, I jabbed my palm upwards, dislocating his jaw. He let out a strangled cry as I whipped the sash from my dress and tied his hands with it.

"You bitch," he whined. I quickly stuffed a rag from the floor in his mouth and winked.

I stood and strode for the door, picking up the goblet from where I had placed it on the floor by the door. Someone would have heard that, and they would not think it was just the captain tumbling with the gypsy. I would have to move, and quickly. 

I had made it halfway up the steps to the deck when I heard shouts from behind me. 

"It's the general!" A voice called.

Another answered, "Get the girl!"

I willed all of my remaining strength into my legs, as I climbed to the deck, ascending into the hazy grey dawn, now a slither on the horizon. A strangled sob of relief escaped my lips when the jagged rocks forming land appeared just a hundred yards off the starboard bow. 

I had no time to think of Lex and his whereabouts. I only had time to react. Just as the sailors surged from below decks, shouts and whoops filled the air. 

"Halt!" The soldier from before, the one that I had tied up, shouted. His lip was split and his cheek spilled crimson.

I held the goblet in my hands, my grip iron on its stem. "Looking for this?" 

They surged forward but before the Stygian could reach me, I gave a wry smile and launched myself off the side of the ship. 


I plunged into the unforgiving sea, the darkness encasing me. It was so frightfully cold that I nearly let out all the air in my lungs. I knew better than to swim to the surface, the careening arrows around me a reminder of what awaited should I breach the waves. 

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