VIII. The Ravens

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Lex was gone for days. 

He had left in a hurry the morning after our arrival with few words, remarking that he had some business to take care of elsewhere. I filled my free time by pestering Nethel with questions about Lex, to which she made me peel potatoes for answers. Still, her answers were vague and I found myself knowing less than I had before.

When I wasn't helping Nethel in the kitchen, I was roaming the halls of Lex's estate. On the third day of his absence, I came across an open-air courtyard in the center of the house equipped with mats and weapons for training, which I took full advantage of. However, my adventures only kept me preoccupied for so long, and on the fifth day of Lex being gone and no word from him, I had just about lost it. If I was to work for him for three months, why was there no work to do? 

I marched into the training room where Saskia, Ciel and Ash had usually spent their mornings. Ash had come home just two days prior, claiming he was sore but alive, and he had spent each day since lounging around. Ciel and Saskia clashed in the ring at the middle of the courtyard, their blades singing. Ciel grunted as Saskia swiped at his leg and barely missed, offering him a wicked grin. Ash caught my eye and cheerily waved me over to where he sat watching the twins duel. 

"Good morning, Kaira." Ash beamed up at me, his strawberry hair glinting in the sun. 

"Morning," I mumbled.

Saskia and Ciel ceased their duel, the prior declaring she had won, to which Ciel just rolled his eyes when his sister's back was turned. It had looked even to me. 

"What is it?" Saskia said, turning to me. 

"What?" I replied.

"You usually avoid us, so why are you here?" 

I stood up straight, Ciel shooting his sister a warning glance. "I was wondering the best route into the city. I want to take a look around."


"Excuse me?"

Saskia massaged her temples as if talking to me caused her great pain. "Lex gave us orders to keep you here. You are not to go out. The last thing we need is people panicking about a Mortal being in their city."

"That's ridiculous!"

Saskia merely sheathed her blade and sniggered, "Find something to keep you busy then." And with that, she strode out of the training room. 

Ciel approached me, a deep frown on his face. "Sorry. She can be rude."

"That's an understatement." Ash chimed.

"Well, will either of you take me out?" I asked, looking between the two males. They exchanged glances before looking at the floor, giving their silent answer. "Oh, please. You know I'll just find a way myself."

"Lex is our leader, and he has forbidden your leave from the estate," Ciel breathed, the response sounding rehearsed. "So I must comply."

"Alright, then. I have a proposal," I said. Ciel tilted his head to the side, his eyes narrowing in question. "Let's spar. If I win, you take me into the city. If you win, I stay here." 

Ash tried to silence a laugh as Ciel's eyes lit up with challenge, his dark skin already glowing with sweat. 



I had never fought so hard in my entire life. 

Ciel's blade hit hard against mine, my arms aching at the impact. A sheen of sweat had formed on my brow, a testament to my effort. I side stepped, Ciel's blade swinging downwards. He was strong, so strong. But I was lighter on my feet, and I used that to my advantage. I dodged his attack, watching closely for weak spots. That seemed to be to problem with him: he had none. His left was as strong as his right, he covered his back, and he swung with close precision. He was almost unbeatable. 

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