5. Who is Rei Ayanami?

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Thumbnail: "Rei Ayanami, Her First Lipstick." Collab with Kanebo Cosmetics

Italics: The thoughts of the person speaking/ the current POV.

Bold: Actions, Set changes, POV switches, etc.

Normal: Descriptions, Exposition, etc.

"Quotes": A character talking.

"Come on, just do it already or I'm not gonna feel right, Come on!"


Y/n hit hard, harder than what he thought was acceptable, but he needed to get that off his own chest. This knocked Toji to the ground, holding his cheek.

Toji: "There, now we're even. Sorry I decked you the other day."

Y/n: "I-Its alright..."

Kensuke: "Well, we never properly introduced each other, I'm Kensuke Aida. And he is Toji Suzuhara. Now that everything is settled, I hope we can get along now."

Y/n: "Yeah....Likewise.

Kensuke: "...Something on your mind?

Toji: "What's up?"

Y/n: "U-uh, I-its nothing" Plastering that same fake smile, not having much time to actually practice.

Toji: "....Alright then..

Y/n: "We need to get back to class, I'll see you guys later..." I said hastily running off into the building.




Just after the battle, the entry plug was extracted from the upright EVA. NERV, not wanting to reveal anymore secrets to their uninvited guests, sent Toji and Kensuke back to their classes. Where they got quite the reprimand by the class rep. Y/n, however, would've wished to be in their places rather than what's going to come for him.

Y/n: *sigh* I screwed up. Disobeying orders from higher ups, not only is that bad in a standard workplace, but NERV is basically a military. Not following orders in that setting is far worse. The fact that I've been sitting in this dark room for what seems like hours is only making me feel even more nervous.

Just then the door opened, with the light of the hallway illuminating a silhouette of a woman, Misato. She turned on the lights to reveal the rest of the room.

Misato: "Y/n.. Why did you disobey my orders up there?"

Y/n: "I-I'm sorry..."

Misato: "I am your superior officer in charge of your missions. Which means you have the obligation to follow my orders no matter what."


Misato: "Do you understand?"

Y/n: "Yeah"

Misato: "Then make sure this never happens again"

Y/n: "Alright"

Misato: "...Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" She said annoyed about the one phrase answers

Y/n: "Yeah, I am. But I... still killed it though. I-it's important to be ready for anything. Ill still pilot the EVA, it's what all of you want right? That's why my dad called me here...

That ticked off Misato, as she grabbed Y/n by the collar and held him close to her face.

Misato: "EVEN SO.... Unit 1 lost power seconds after the 5th angel was defeated. Imagine what would've happened if you had attacked later."

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