17. Blissful Death

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Italics: The thoughts of the person speaking/ the current POV.

Bold: Actions, Set changes, POV switches, etc.

Normal: Descriptions, Exposition, etc.

"Quotes": A character talking.

My computer finally died last week... I think you can guess why I was slow on the update. Luckily, it's Christmas soon and I just so happen to have saved up for a new laptop~! I would say I'll get better at updating, but y'know.. the story's essentially over.

*Y/n's POV*
*EVANGELION Holding Cages*

I stepped out of the Entry plug. and soon teams were there to take out the plug. What the hell even happened..? Everything froze up, and the dummy system started making noise. But why..? ...Sabatoge? How though? Last I heard, we blocked access to NERV with the MAGI.

Looking around the cages,  the entry plug was latched by clamp and was lifted out of Unit-1. Suddenly alarm bells rang, as one of the elevator lifts began to open up. NERV workers began to gather around, pointing their guns towards whatever was coming down.

"Get down, boy!" One of the older engineers said, pushing me down. Handing over a pistol to me. "...Here," pointing to a part of the gun. This is the safety, keep it on unless you absolutely know you're going to fire." Keeping my head down, everyone was clearly anxious of the coming firefight, I heard throughout the comms that we were outgunned at every possibility. And now would be the same. However, instead of a hail of gunfire from above. It was some more NERV employees.

"It's okay! We're the recovery team!" That garnered a sigh of relief from nearly everyone there. Standing back up they resumed their work on exchanging the plug. Getting up myself, I noticed someone in particular. In a pink plugsuit, Mari was standing there. 

Coming to a stop, Mari hopped off the lift and jogged over to me. Pulling me into a hug right when she reached me. 

Mari: "Hey Y/n. Are you okay?"

Y/n: "Y-yeah.. I-i'm good"

Letting go she smiled, "I'm glad."

Back at the command center,  the three technicians under Misato were swiftly working to get Unit-1 back into the fight. 

Ibuki: "Hm? Y/n is outside of Unit-1, but right now, it's detecting a pilot already inside."

Aoba: "What? It's the dummy system isn't it?'

Hyuuga: "No, we just switched it out. The new one is inserted in."

Ritsuko: "Are there any problems?"

Ibuko: "I'm not picking up anything."

Ritsuko: "Alright then, continue it's calibration. We don't have time to worry about a phantom problem right now. We'll have to handle it when it arises."

After a few minutes, and resetting the system. They were in the final stages of prep, and then Unit-1 could save the day, yet again.

Hyuuga: "Beginning system recali-*BOOOM*

Misato: "What happened!?"

Aoba: "Holding cages breached!"

The display opened up, showing the inside of the holding cages. Where an explosion on the leftmost door occurred. Soldiers soon flooding in. Shooting any personnel they saw. Meanwhile, some more troops came in with rocket launchers. Aiming them at upper platform they began firing. 

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