Chapter 3

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        Peter Pan narrows his eyes.

        Felix leans toward him. “The Indian’s spell.”

        “We don’t know for sure if it will work.”

        “But we can try.”

        “Try what?” I push my way into their hushed conversation. “Is this about that Indian princess?”

        “She’s not a princess anymore.” Peter folds his arms across his chest.  His eyes bounce from Felix to me and back again. “You may stay today as long as you promise to go back before darkness falls.”

        “But-” Felix shakes his head. He shrugs. “Fine, have it your way, Pan.”

        “Bert.” Peter calls out. The red head weaves his way toward us. I catch a glimpse of Kelvin in the middle of the crowd. At least I know we will go back tonight.

        I smile at Bert. He flicks his hair out of his blue eyes and returns my grin.

        Peter walks away. “Show her around. And keep her out of trouble.”

        As if I would get into trouble. Did I even agree to stay for the day?

        “So, what’s your name?” Bert looks up at me. He's an inch or so shorter, but his wild hair makes up the distance.

        “I’m Wendy Darling.”

        Peter glances over his shoulder as I say my name, then disappears among his boys.

        “Well…” Bert scratches his head. “What did you want to see? Maybe our hideout?”

        “Is your name really Bert?”

        He turns toward me. “Huh? Yep. Well, it's Robert, but everyone calls me Bert.”

        “How did you get here on this island?”

        “We were all brought from your world, like Kelvin was.” He points at the large tree. “Now, do you want to see our home or not?”

        They actually live in the tree? “Sure.”

        Bert pulls me past the boys. Surely Kelvin will be okay for the moment. Even if something does happen, I am not sure how I would be able to help him. Bert climbs over a large root and pushes part of the tree. The door pops open again.

        “Just slide on down.”          

        “Slide?” I twist my hands around the fabric of my old dress. My fingers bump against something in my pocket. My thimble. I had forgotten all about it.

        Bert grins. “I’ll go first, if you want me to.”

        “Is it safe?” I peer down the dark, twisting hole.

        “Safe? Nothing in Neverland is safe.” Bert slaps me on the back. He jerks his hand away and turns red. “Sorry, I forgot-I didn’t mean to.”

        I smile, but step away from him. He is used to rowdy boys, not English girls. Even if this English girl has never been very proper. “It’s okay.”

        “Anyway, you won’t get hurt. I can still jump down first, if-”

        I grip the edge of the makeshift doorway and poke my head in. “Here goes.” With a grunt, I pull my legs in. My bare feet dangle into the darkness. I uncurl my fingers one by one. As soon as my last finger leaves the doorway, I shoot down.

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