Chapter 23

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        “You can’t leave.” I turn my back on Peter Pan and walk towards Tigerlily. “If you leave, then nothing will be able to stop the darkness. Neverland will be lost.” So will Peter Pan.

        “Darkness is too strong. We have no choice.” Tigerlily spins away from me, her boots digging into the dirt.

        I gape at her. “You are a warrior! You made Peter bleed! You need to stay, fight!”

        Several Indians climb out of their tents. Strong, hardened women and young men with fierce eyes. They circle us. And I know that if they try, they can defeat Peter and his lost boys.


        “Come with me, lost girl. And you’ll understand.” Tigerlily weaves her way around the cluster of teepees. I follow her, my fingers twisting the end of my curls. If they don’t listen to me, all is lost. “What do you want me to see?”

        “Not what, but who. Be patient.”

        Tigerlily jumps over a small river. My eyes follow her pointing finger. A small bird’s nest rests on a tree stump. I hesitate, but she motions again.

        I move forward slowly. The nest is a mess of leaves and scraps of fur. A green hat with a long feather is tucked inside it.

        “What-?” I ask, but then the hat moves. I lean forward. There is something in it.  

        Is it a bird? What else would it be?

        A tiny arm stretches out of the green material. I yelp and jump back. Tigerlily moves past me. “Shh…”

        I clamp my hand over my mouth. The hat rustles again and another pale arm appears, followed by the head of a little girl.

        The creature continues to climb out of the hat. Blond curls tumble from her bun. A green leaf dress falls to her feet. Gossamer wings flutter behind her.

        A fairy.

        Of course! How dull can I be? This whole place is protected by fairy dust! The fairy sits up, her dress spilling around her. Her face is drawn and her blue eyes tired.

        Her pink lips part and the sound of tinkling bells fills the air. I smile. Is she laughing?

        “Tinkerbell welcomes you to the island.” Tigerlily translates.

        “Oh, well, thank her for me.” I nod at the older girl.

        Tigerlily rolls her eyes, “You may not understand her, but she understands you.”

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