십 육

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Taehyung looked over to the window, there were two police cars.

His eyes widened as he knew what this meant, they found out. They came to save them.
It was already sunday and Jungkook and Taehyung only had one night left until they would eventually get to be free again but all this time they have spent together was actually pretty... cool.

Except the fact that they fucked and made a mess out of the room while starving to death.

Jungkook appeared behind Taehyung, he was still mad and his face showed but the second the red and blue lights of the police car reflected in his eyes, he feels relieved.

He didn't want to be here with Taehyung anymore, not after the elder shout at him like that even if he made Jungkook feel special.

"Your not special to me" It was the seriousness in Taehyungs tone that made Jungkook break. Their heads turned towards the door, there were voices.

"Lock open the entire A floor and find them" One of the officers shouted and Jungkooks heart skipped a beat.

This is it, this is the end of their 72 hours.
The end of everything they had built within.
Their ways will part the second the door is opened.

Jungkook looked back to Taehyung, their eyes met as Taehyung exhaled. His eyes shut close with his body moving on its own.

He walked towards Jungkook, their shoulders brushing against each other as Taehyung passed by him walking towards the end of the class.

He turned around and sat down on the chair he had sat on friday, before they had to spend their whole weekend locked up.
Jungkook followed Taehyungs body with his eyes, a small pang in his chest at the hard rejection.

This wasn't supposed to go this way, no no no this is bad.

Because even after promising there were no strings attached, Jungkook felt how his heart sank the second he had a glimpse of the future reality.

They will be nothing but strangers after this, and this right now? that was just a small introduction.

Jungkook tried to shake off the feeling, no he wasn't attached to Taehyung at least not emotionally, probably sexually he was Jungkooks first...

Taehyung stared out of the window, he won't lie that he knew he hurt Jungkook.
But this was his plan, forget about Jungkook the second he was left free
well why can't Taehyung control his beating heart underneath the thick layers of lies?

The voices started to come near, this was it.

Jungkooks heart beat faster he didn't know what to do.
Minutes passed but with a shout of a man saying "Found them" their voices stopped with grunts and sighs.

Why did it end the second they had started?

Jungkook looked up, where was the noise? Sprinting towards the door as he held his ear tightly against it.

Taehyung stared at Jungkooks small frame from afar. A confused look on his face along with a furrowed brow.

"I can't believe this" One of the officers stared at two drunk boys on the parking lot, one of them laying on the floor and the other one throwing up almost half of his organs.

The officer held his walkie-talkie to his mouth clicking a button alarming one of the main officers within the building.

Scoffing, he walked back towards the police car.

"Where did you find them?" another voice spoke.

"Jeonghi said they weren't even locked up, both drunk at the parking lot" The annoyance in the mans voice was almost visible.

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