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„I guess cuddling?" Taehyung cringed at the end of his sentence.

Jungkook looked back to Taehyung and then back to the bed.
„Hell no, I'll sleep on the floor" Jungkook spat taking his bag and laying down on the cold ground of the classroom.

Taehyung stood there watching Jungkook (his back since Junglook faced the wardrobe) and brushed his hair. „I can't let you sleep on the floor to catch a cold you dumbass, get here"

Taehyung knelt down to grab Jungkooks arm.
„No I rather sleep on the ground catching a cold instead of cuddling with you" Jungkook tried to fight back. Taehyung tried to turn Jungkook over by pulling the youngers right arm.

„Stop being a brat for once Jungkook!" Taehyung pulled harder.

„I'm not!-"

Jungkook turned around on his own which had Taehuyng fall on his arms because of the sudden loss of strength.

The elder was hovering over the younger. With barely no space between their noses while looking into each other's eyes. Taehyungs gaze automatically fell.

Jungkook just stared at the elder. The silence was neither weird since they both were lost in their little situation there.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung checking him out again. The elders eyes wandered over every small and big detail on Jungkooks face. The little mole under the youngers lips and the one on his nose and under his eye.

A small scar on the youngers cheek and then his galaxy like brown doe eyes. No one could get bored looking into those forever and that's what Taehuyng did. He just stared at them with no intentions.

„Did you just check me out?" Jungkook broke the tension, still looking deep into the elders brown and never ending eyes.

„I noticed you do that quite often" Jungkook smirked looking at the elders lips.
„Maybe I should sue you for that...sir" Jungkooks teasing reached its limit once Taehyungs eyes grew wide.

Don't be a tease darling"  Now Jungkook was the one with the wide eyes.
Taehyungs voice just dropped by multiple octaves and Jungkook felt a shiver run down his entire body.

Suddenly he felt hot and as if something had twisted he felt this hotness all around his lower part.

Taehyung of course knew what effect he had unleashed inside the younger so he only smirked and removed himself from atop of Jungkook.

He laid down and turned Jungkook his back
"Alright sleep there on your own and in the cold, not liek I care" Taehyungs voice was bitter, the younger swore he didn't want to give in yet he actually didn't want to sleep int he cold hard floor.

That was until Jungkook got annoyed with a small problem down there. He was half hard and that was what pissed him off the most. He KNEW Taehyung did this on purpose, leaving him there to handle everything himself.

Of course Jungkook will no touch himself in front of Taehyung but then something else got into his mind.

Something about their pee pee's.

What will they do when they will have to go on toilet?
Jungkook stares at the ceiling thinking while having a mental debate wether he should ask the elder about their erupted problem or not.

He could hear Taehyung groan, he was probably about to fall asleep while Jungkook still laid on the cold floor. He started to shiver a little since it was cold outside too.

After a ten minute trial to get used to the cold Jungkook couldn't hold back. He stood up and looked around in the classroom for heathers so he could turn them on. Unfortunately there weren't any since it's a chemisty classroom.

Jungkook went around and looked for more blankets but after failing miserably at finding, he walks over to the sink and sips a little water.
He picked up his jacket he wore earlier and put it on.

"Can you shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep" Jungkooks head whipped towards the owner of the voice, silently mimicking the elders words "sHut tHe fUcK uP~" Of course without having the other hear.

After his little trip, the younger returned back to his bed for the night. Laying on that cold floor again made him shiver. The jacket was very thin so it didn't help him either.

After being devastated for more than 30 minutes, Jungkook looks over to Taehyung who slept peacefully on the two thick layers of blankets with his backpack as his pillow.

The younger turns around so now that they both were back to back.
The night was cold as fuck and Jungkook barely got any sleep. You could hear him whining once in a while. He woke up to be met with the time 00:01 O'clock.

"It's only been two hours.." Jungkook sighed to himself. He won't survive this night if it would keep going like this.

He sighed again and whined one last time before closing his eyes shut.

And in that moment he would have never thought what would happen next.

Taehyung sat up straight sighing to himself while turning towards Jungkooks side to grab his arm and drag him into his embrace.

Jungkook was now being spooned by Taehyung who also had his arms around the youngers chest and hip.

The sudden warmth made Jungkook happy but then the silence broke.

"I told you you'd be cold Jungkook"
Taehyungs now deeper sleepy voice rang in Jungkooks ears filling them up with comfort,
kind of.

Taehyung brought up his hand to touch the youngers cheek. "You are so cold, I wish i pulled you earlier" Taehyung removes his hand, placing it back on the youngers hip after caressing the youngers cheek for a while.

"Thank you.." Jungkook let out sleepy.
"No homo tho, this is just to keep us warm" Taehyung stated before he closed his eyes and continued his peaceful sleep.

Jungkook was still wide awake, looking down at the elders arm around his hip. "No homo my ass, your gayer than Jimin" He rolled his eyes.  

Jungkook was wishing that Taehyung would stop with the growling which could lead to snoozing. Taehyungs breathing, his leg which Jungkook was touching with the back of Jungkooks thigh, the way he could hear Taehyungs heart beat in the death of the silence.

Never did he imagine himself in this situation just a couple hours after hating on the elder. After jerking off to him in the bathroom due to his hot aura. After saying "I fucking despise Kim Taehyung" endless times to Hoseok.

Remembering every hurtful word he spat at Taehyung, every action he had associated with him.

His face fell as his eyes made their way towards Taehyungs arms around his hip. "I still mean every word I said" He told himself, the touching suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Edit me: Ayo whats good, Just edited this chapter

Love yall <<<3


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