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Not even a hour passed by and the two boys each sat on the other side of the classroom. Jungkook played some game on his phone which Jimin recommended to him and Taehyung was sketching something on a sktech pad. Not even one word has been exchanged;

the whole time.

Jungkook sat in the front where he has been sitting the whole time just like Taehyung was sitting in the back.

A soft sigh left Jungkooks mouth as he leaned back into his seat, putting his phone on the table in the process. Taehyung didn't even spare him a glance, he just naturally sat there, silently sketching for himself. Jungkook thought it's impossible for Taehyung to stay quite for more than 20 minutes, but here he is.

He turned around to glance at the elder who was pretending to sketch'.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked after a beat of silence. Taehyung just hummed and kept sketching. The younger now furrowed a brow as curiosity took over, he wanted to slowly approach the elder. He lifted himself up from his seat but stopped midway

"Don't come here, you're annoying"  Taehyung spoke softly yet annoyed.

Jungkook plumped back into his seat turning back to the front. A loud growling broke the dead silence, Jungkook looked down to his stomach. His hands making their way to touch his little abdomen. Taehyung looked up from behind, looking down at his own stomach which has been growling silently non-stop for the past ten minutes. He let go of his grip on his pen to caress it softly, gulping while looking back up.

The younger took his bag and opened a pack of sour patches, putting them into his mouth while the sour substance makes his tongue brun. He flinches at the feeling yet he still enjoys the only opton of food he had right now.

Taehyung looked back down at his sketching. He knew that this is what he would deserve for his actions. Bad people get punished too. So he stood up and walked past jungkook towards the sink, turning it on while bowing down to get his mouth in touch with the cool liquid. After multiple sips he switched it off, wiped his mouth with his sleeve and turned around only to find a staring Jungkook with a sourpatch in his mouth chewing on it.

His big doe eyes sparkled in the light of the room and the small stars slowly faded in. Taehyung cleared his throat and looked back down passing by the younger. "Hey" Jungkook said before Taehyung approached his seat.

„Want some?" the younger held out the candy towards the elder. Taehyung wanted to say yes so bad, yet he knew this was what he deserved.

"No" he said and sat down not even sparing a glance at the younger whose smile just fell. "Alright" Jungkook sighed to himself turning forwards again. Fuck Taehyung was so hungry but he wanted to face the consequences, like his mother told him once.

The thought of his mother saddened Taehyung out of sudden. He had been thinking about her for too long today, his silence is the proof for it and what Jungkook said earlier made Taehyung so mad, wanted to punch Jungkook against the locker and not 'almost' make-out with him.

"you fucking son of a bitch"

Yeah it caught Taehyung off guard back then.
And while he looked all cool from the outside, he was hurting from the inside like a bitch.

So he kept sketching, minutes passing and the only noise in the room is Jungkook munching on the sour candy, standing up to go and drink water from the sink after he felt his hunger still.

„I'm bored" Jungkook said walking towards the window this time.
Taehyung was too quiet for Jungkooks liking.

„What happened to you?" he said turning towards Taehyung. The elders brown locks hid his features, his mouth was formed into a small pout which Jungkook internally adored.

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