What a Classy Gentlemen

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Chapter 3

“Jamessss!” I purposely pulled the “s” in his name out while looking at the horrifying image in front of me.

I heard a shuffling of feet before someone raced in front of me and spun around looking at all directions. After twirling five rounds on his feet, James stopped and caught his breath.

“What is wrong?” I raised my eyebrows and made leaned my neck towards the direction of my pink porsche. He stood there staring at me for a couple of seconds before shaking his head. I narrowed my eyes at him and he shook his head like a innocent puppy.

“But you are my butlerrrr!” I whined hoping he would clean it up.

“I am not paid enough to clean some bird crap on your car.” I gave out a puff of air and stomped my way towards my hot pink porsche which was damaged by bird poop on the handle of the driver’s seat. I seriously think the stupid bird purposely did that and I had a feeling it was mocking me.

I sighed. “I can’t go to the school if I cannot open my own car.” I walked in front of him and gave him the saddest puppy dog eyes. I continued my suking up speech “if I cannot go to school, then I will fail and if I fail. My parents would be really angry and fire you.”

A smirk grew on his face before he leaned and poked my nose in a playful manner.

“Hey! Some people wish they had my nose.” I pointed out.

He gave out a hearty chuckle and ran his fingers through his dark hair before speaking “your parents love me too much to fire me.”

He had a good point. I stalked my feet towards my car and looked at it. I really wish I had some stupid wolf power to magically evaporate the bird crap on my car.

I looked at my watch to realize it is almost time for school. Damn birds!

I saw slight movement in my peripheral vision to watch James walking down the driveway to the middle of the street. I was about to ask him what he was doing when I saw a red mercedes sport car slowing down in front of James.

I knew exactly whose car that was and I was not pleased in any manner to find out Duke Dandil was the driving it.

I watched as the driver’s windows went down on both sides revealing a handsome teenager with some shades on. He was just going to school and I wonder how he can look so good. He looked at James through his driver’s window before glancing at me through his other window to find his gaze on me. His jaw hardened as he looked at me before a smirk formed on his face. I knew he would take pleasure in my pain.

What a sadistic jerk!

“Jan!” James yelled my name. I averted my gaze to James and ran towards him somewhat in my five inch heels.

“What?” I snapped while standing at the edge of my driveway.

“Alpha Duke offered you a ride.” I grabbed James arm quickly and pulled him towards the middle of my driveway.

“Why can’t you drive me to school?” I asked him and folded my arms across my chest.

“I don’t have a car since driver Alfred drove your parents in the other car this morning unless you want to clean the bird poop off your own car.” He said with a small smirk.

I gave him a death glare before diverting my gaze at the red car parked in the middle of the street.

“But I can’t clean.” He shrugged his shoulders and replied “too bad.”

I stared at the boy in the red mercedes a bit longer before huffing out a breath of air and making my way towards it.

I heard snickers coming behind me and turned around to yell at James “I expect my car to be cleaned by after school today.”

He raised his eyebrows at me and made a money hand signal.

“10!” I shouted as I made my way to the red mercedes.

“15!” He shouted back and I turned around to yell “deal”.

I have to pay darn $15 for my own butler to clean my own car. I opened the car door and was about to get in when someone cleared their throat. Duke looked at me with his shades covering his wonderful brown eyes and replied “you are not sitting there.”

I gasped and asked “where will I sit?”

“In the back.” He replied promptly while looking at his watch.

“But I am wearing a skirt and you don’t have any back doors.” He just shrugged his shoulders and looked else where.

I sighed and placed my hands on my skirt do it would not rise up and made my way to the back of his car before commanding “don’t look at me.”

He looked through the rearview mirror at me “I didn’t think you would actually care and thought you would enjoy that since you are known for being a slut.” He shifted his eyes on the road leaving me to drown in the harsh words he said. I wanted to say something back but could not think of any words to tell him I wasn’t and still a virgin. Why fight with him when I could not change his opinion of me?

Is that what he thought of me? I looked down at my fingers and scraped the fingernails on my thigh paining me. However, it did not pain me as much as the word he called me. For goodness sake, I never even had a boyfriend. Most of the boyfriends were like Nick and wanted a laker ticket or something else. It did not help that my dad was the beta and one of the richest man in the pack and country.

I heard the car slow down and looked through the back window to find us in a suburban neighborhood. Why are we here?

As if he could read my thoughts, he spoke “we are here to pick up Claire.”

Oh yeah, Claire Kiddy.

The girl he has been going out for six months.

The girl who was his girlfriend.

I watched her walk out with her mother behind her. Her blonde hair blew through the wind giving her an “innocent” look. No wonder everybody liked her even Duke. Her pale skin shined in the sun and I could not help feel jealous of her. Her and her mother approached the car. I watched Duke had a small smile and a loving gaze in his eyes. I hated that a tiny part of me wished he would look at me like that.

She gave her mother a kiss on the cheek and opened the driver’s seat and sat down. I felt like the third wheel as I watched Duke kiss her on the cheek and greeted her.

Unconsciously, I felt my own hand on my cheek and rubbed it.

He then greeted her mother and talked to them while ignoring I was even here. Claire’s mother had the sense to look in the backseat and ask Duke who I was. He looked at me through the corner of his eyes and dropped his smile to be replaced by an unknown emotion while simply answering “Jancey. Her car had some issues this morning so I thought to help her.”

What a butthead! I knew he purposely said those words to look like the greatest pig ever. He didn’t have to help me. I could have walked to school on my own in my five inch heels like a pro.

She fell for his heartfelt, pity explanation to help me and gave him a small smile before walking away. Duke roared the car to life towards school. Most of the car ride, Duke and Claire ignored me and made lovey-dovey comments to each other. So, I just looked outside the window and ignored the stupid pig and his girlfriend comments that made me want to throw up.

It would have been so much better if I just cleaned that stupid poop on my car.

“Jan” My nick name rolled off his tongue causing me to shiver. What is up with that? I must have not gotten decent amount of sleep last night. Who does he think he is to call me that? Only my bff can call me that.

“Jan!” I heard a feminine voice breaking my thoughts. I looked at Claire and Duke before snapping at them really nicely “please don’t call me that. My name is Jancey.”

Duke rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath “crappy name either way.” I looked away trying not to lose my composure at him.

“Just cause you gave me a ride does not mean you have to act like a jerk.” I bitterly spat out.

He looked at me through his rearview mirror and I saw his jaw hardening showing his facial muscles.

“you better watch out if you don’t want me to drop you right here on the street.” He replied calmly.

“It is better than riding with you.” I yelled at him.

“Then why did you?” I saw his hands clenched on the steering wheel and decided not to say anything else to provoke him. Claire placed a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down while I just hung my head low.

I felt the car slow down and was relieved that we have finally gotten to school. Duke got out of the car quickly as he can and I could guess why. He went to Claire’s side and opened the door for her and took her hand.

After she got out, he looked inside and said “get out! I need to lock the car.” He looked outside and took a step towards Claire and wrapped his fingers in hers.

What a classy gentlemen.

I made my way outside and tried to balance on my heels on the road. Before I could, I heard a sound coming from the car causing me to jump which led to falling on the road face front.

I heard a chuckle sounding off and would bet a million bucks that it was from the pig who drove me to school.

This is probably the worst day ever.

“Nice pony underwear.” I closed my legs fast as I can and looked up to find a blonde hair teenage boy with a smirk on his face.

It keeps getting worse.

I looked at him and found myself drowning in his blue eyes but they weren’t beautiful as chocolate colored eyes. I shook my head and raised my hand hoping he would help me. I did not expect him to since most of the pack students hated my guts.

He just looked at me and took my hand in his before I gave him a small smile.

“The princesses actually smiles?” I gave him a death glare and looked down to arrange my clothing.

“Sorry.” I looked up at him trying to remember where I met him. Is he in one of my classes?

“What class do you have with me?” I asked while walking ahead to my school with him.

“Psych. Name is Jake. ” Now, I remember. He sits in the front with his circle. How come I never noticed him? He is actually really cute and nice. Kinda reminds me of James.

“I didn’t remember. Sorry and thank you by the way.” He gave me a small smile before replying “I would not have expected you anyway. You must be so busy trying to be pretty. It’s no problem. I like saving princesses in distresses.”

I chuckled at his answer while making my way through the front of the school. I saw people looking at us curiously like we were aliens. I gave them a glare.

The Mean Girl can actually be nice to someone who treats her nicely.

“I have to go. It was nice meeting you.” I turned around and faced him.

“Yah, me too. I’ll talk to you sometime. Why don’t you join us at lunch sometime if you want?” I hated turning him down when he was being so nice.

I gave him a small smile and turned around to find my class. At least there was someone there for me in my distress saving a princesses like me.

I chuckled at my thoughts and made my way through the school ignoring everyone.

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