He isn't adorable like Duke.

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Chapter 6

“Honey, where are you going?” I turned around and groaned out loud. Why do people care when I don’t want them to? My father and mother walked towards hand in hand with a concerned look on their faces.

At least they care.

“I am going to my room.” I whispered. I knew they heard it over the blazing music.

“But, your party is still going on.” My mother said softly.

“I don’t feel so well.” It wasn’t like I was lying. They looked at each other before nodding their heads slowly. I let a puff of air and made my way upstairs.

I hastily took off the heels and threw them to the wall along with ripping the dress off my body. At this moment, I didn’t care about anything except getting into bed and bawling my eyes out. How is it that the one person who was supposed to be there for me hates my guts? What did I do for him to hate me so badly?

Am I that bad of a person? Is that why he wants me to change? All those people I bullied in school deserved it.

Okay...maybe not.

Why did it have to be Duke? I would have accepted another male even a freaking nerd. Hell, I wouldn’t even care if he just loved me.

“I am not that bad.” I whispered to myself.


A buzzing sound echoed in my room. I groaned out loud and shut my ears hoping to block off the noise.

After a few more minutes, I finally turned it off and made my way to the bathroom. If you thought Frankenstein’s wife looked ugly, then I would have been thousands times worse. I wiped the smudged makeup with the back of my hand and took a long shower.

After getting dressed in some designer Ralph Lauren clothes, I made my way downstairs.
“Dad, you are still here?” I asked looking at the man sitting before me reading a newspaper.

He put the newspaper down and gave me a small smile. “Oh, yah, honey, I thought I would drop you off to school.”

I slowly nodded my head avoiding any type of eye contact. He must have had a free day out of the 365 he works at.

After eating some breakfast, I finally got into his car.

“Woha, no argument of driving by yourself in your pink car?” He joked around.

“I am not feeling it.” I answered honestly. I so did not want to do anything this morning. After the whole so called rejection, I just wanted to crawl in bed and sleep.

“Sooo, darling, did you find your mate?” I looked at my father who had a small smile on his tired face. That’s why he wanted to drop me off.

A pang of guilt hit me on the face as I answered “nooo. I guess he is not in the pack.” His eyebrows crinkled in confusion before a sad smile crossed his face.

I felt his hands on top of mine before he whispered “I am sure you will soon.”

At least from all this chaos, I got some love from my parents. That must be an advantage, right?

“Dad, when did you met mom?” I asked recurrently. He looked to my side before answering “I remember she had a party like yours and we met. I felt so happy and my wolf was literally jumping in joy. After a few years, we got you. Every single time I look at my girls, I couldn’t be happier.”

A small smile formed on my face as I let those words sink in.

“So, a mate is supposed to love you in whatever?” I asked him.

He nodded his head “yep, in most cases. His wolf will pull him towards yours wolf. So, he won’t stop thinking about you unless you have self control or are already in love with someone else.”

So, that means Duke has to be with me? He has to be with me through whatever.

That means, I didn’t really have to be nicer since his wolf has to be with me.

That does not seem like a good idea.

I ignored my wolf and was jumping in joy inside.

I didn’t get the reason why I had to act nice to people who used me and hated me? At least in my own house, I knew my parents and James had some love for me.

For example, look at my idiotic best friends, they didn’t even know when my goddamn birthday was! Thinking back to my ex boyfriends, none of them really cared. I didn’t get it. Why did they not like me? Was I not pretty for them?

“Honey, school is here.” My dad whispered. I leaned towards him and gave him a hug before getting out of the car. As soon as I stepped on the ground, people started staring like I flew out from the sky. I mean, normally, people do stare at me. However, not this much attention.

I looked behind me to notice my dad gave me a ride in his “top babies”. The car was one of the most expensive on the market. Plus, it didn’t help that he was the beta of the pack and most of my classmates are werewolves.

I don’t understand...guys and cars.

It’s like sharks and juice.

No relevance.

I made my way inside of the school to hear someone talking. I turned to my side to see Jake sitting below the oak tree in the middle of the school. He seemed to be on his phone. I looked around to see if there were many people around. There were only a few so I made my way towards him.

Jake gave me a smile when he saw me. After a few seconds, he hung up.

“So, I loved your party last night.” He said while jumping to his feet.

“Duh, it was the best.” He rolled his eyes as we made our way to the our lockers.

He turned around locking his eyes with mine. “You really are...something.”

“Something amazing.” The cocky side got the best of me.

“Did you find your mate?” He joked.

I gave him an eye roll before answering “no.”

“Cause she is too ugly to be loved.” A whiny voice said behind me. I turned around to find Katie with her “one day” posse. She must have made them after her humiliation done by muh. Did she look at herself and her clique? They looked like a bunch of martians with no ability to do makeup. Bless their ugly souls.

I took steps towards her “the mirror would crack if you looked at yourself.” A crowd of “ohhs” resonated. I looked around me to find no one except Jake and them. So, how did?

As if Jake read my mind, he held his phone up. I rolled my eyes at him before diverting my attention back to the annoying issue on hand.

“If I were you, I would back off...unless you wanted to be humiliated again.” Katie gave a hump before commanding her losers to follow her.

Jake came up to me and raised his hand. I raised my eye brow at him wondering what the hell am I supposed to do.

“You don’t know...” He bankly stated with a puzzled look on his face.

I nodded my head back and forth. He let out a childish chuckle before telling me “slap my hand with yours.”

I gave him a light slap hoping to not hurt him.

“Is that the best you can do?” He asked me while rolling his eyes. I pouted my lips at his insult. Nobody makes fun of me.

With my werewolf strength, I slapped his hand. “God woman! I didn’t know you were that strong.” I gave out a chuckling before walking off proud. I would have made a dramatic exit if it wasn’t for the sight a few feet away from me.

There stood Duke and Cassy holding hands. Duke had a small smile on his face as he was looking Cassy. Cassy was smiling and laughing beside him. They looked like the perfect couple.Is that how teenage love supposed to be?

She should not be touching him.

I ignored my wolf and kept looking at them. I knew I was jealous. However, I wasn’t jealous of her. I was jealous of their love.

“Aren’t they perfect?” Jake came beside me. I looked at him as he stared with admiration. His dark brown hair was tousled but he still looked adorable.

He isn’t adorable like Duke.

I shifted my attention to the couple in front of me. Duke was perfect. He could have been one of the world’s sexiest model. His dark hair was messy in a cute way. He wore a pair of black jeans and a polo highlight his muscles. He wasn’t too muscular but still had enough to drool at.

The bell broke my thoughts. I looked around me to find students beside me. I looked at Jake and gave him a quick goodbye before heading towards class.

I had one goal in mind: I would do whatever it takes to get his love.

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