Attacked by a million cats

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Chapter 15

After School, the next day, I went to the orphanage to find Mrs. Nancy running around in circles with the children. The second youngest, Emily, took my finger in her hand, and led me to a seat. I asked her “what’s wrong?”

“We have the yearly charity gala. Some people come and auction things. The money is divided to orphanages like us.” She was smart for her age. I liked her the best since it actually respected me.

“David!” She groaned out loud. I went and saw egg on her shirt. I am sure David is going to get into a lot of trouble.

“Mrs. Nancy, is there anything I could help you with?” I asked. I knew I would have gone crazy with these kids.

“Do you like shopping, dear?” How could I not? It was my favorite thing to do. I nodded my head to her.

“It would be so helpful if you could take them shopping for the gala tomorrow. Here, I even have some money.” I pushed the money back into her hand.

“I cannot accept it. I’ll pay it with my own. Don’t worry about it.” She gave me a small smile before pulling me into a hug and whispering “you are the best. thank you.” I pulled back and she told me “why don’t you wait until Ferb and Duke get here? It would be hard to control these kids.”

“Speak of the devil.” I commented after the boys came through the door. Mrs. Nancy went to them and explained what they had to do. I couldn’t help but giggle when they groaned. Soon after, we packed into her car since she had the car seats.

“Bye!” They yelled as we left Mrs. Nancy at her door. I was sitting in the back with the youngest girls. David and the two elder girls were sitting in the back. Duke was driving while Ferb was changing some radio channels that were best appropriate for the children next to him.

“So, Jan, I heard you got accepted into Rosewood College.” Ferb said while looking at me. I tried not to gloat about it.

“How did you hear about it?” I asked him. I haven’t told anyone. I didn’t know where I wanted to go.

“Duke told me.” He nonchalantly replied.

Before I could ask him, Duke seemed to read my mind. “The principal told me in private when I asked her who else go in.” So, that means Duke go it. This would be so perfect. We would be together in college and forever. I almost giggled at the thought but kept myself in control.

“So, are you going to go? That is the number one werewolf college.” I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t know if I wanted to go there. It would depend on what will happen with Duke and me. I don’t think I would bear to see him if he rejected me.

“We are here.” Emily clapped her hands. David snorted in the back. Why was he so hard to get along with? We all got out of the car and headed to the mall. I grabbed the hands of Emily and the deaf girl, Sandy. I really liked both of these girls. They are so cute.

I knew Mrs. Nancy said to only bring dresses for the gala, but I couldn’t contain my shopping diva and bought them few other pairs of outfits.

“Do you like these?” I asked Duke. He gave me a small smile and pointed to a pink dress to the right. I glanced in that direction to find Sandy looking at a dress. I picked up Sandy along with the dress she was staring it. It was an adorable dress with little flowers on it.

She gave me a huge smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I knew she was trying to say “thank you.” I glanced back and Duke to see him with a big smile on his face and his eyes were pitch black. I ignored him and went to pick some outfits for David. This kid was a headache. He wouldn’t try half the clothes on especially the suit.

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