Is this what it feels like to be a reject?

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Chapter 5

“Mom! Duke is not invited to this party for a reason.” I yelled out loud as I entered the kitchen and sat down on the bar stool.

I saw my mom rolling her eyes as she set the party to do list down. She came over with a grim expression on her face and gave me the invitation list.

“He is coming here. This is end of discussion.” I groaned out loud and pounded my hands on the breakfast bar.

“Young lady, if you do not behave right now, then I will-” I got up from my seat and took steps towards her.

“What mother?” I bitterly recognized her while standing in front of her face. Her angry expression sobered to a tired one and I could not help but feel her pain.

“Why do you make this so hard? You know any unmated male from the pack is invited to this party.” She mumbled as she took a seat and rubbed her face with her hands.

I sighed and got on the seat next to her. “It’s just...he has a girlfriend. So, he probably loves her more than-”

She took one of my hands and wrapped it in hers. “ohh dear! Honey, he is supposed to love his mate no matter what. It does not matter if he has a girlfriend, boyfriend or whatever. Fate put them together for a reason.” I looked into her eyes as they sparkled with compassion and love. I felt foreign to those emotions since I haven’t seen them on her face for a long time.

“Mom, how did you and dad met?” I asked her quietly. She seemed taken back for a moment until a smile crossed her face.

Right on time, the cellphone rang. My mom gave me a sad expression before reaching out for her phone.

I knew that it was time for me to exit since she probably had to leave anyway. I made my way upstairs and plopped myself face down on the bed. Even my mother did not even wish me a good birthday.

What a great day!


“Mmmm” I groaned as I felt hands shaking me.

“Wake up unless you want me to tickle you.” I shot my eyes open and looked at the evil face. There stood the one and only person who I had to pay money just to pick up bird crap on my pink porsche aka James Dashing.

“Jammmess!” I groaned.

“I know how sexy my name sounds but you need to wake up.” He spoke. I could feel the blush rising in my face. Why did he have to be so conceited?

I felt fingers gazing my stomach and shifted a bit. Before I knew it, I was knocked over my bed and laughing like a hyena.

“Jamess! Stop it!” I yelled between my laughs. A chuckle resonated throughout the room before he finally stopped.

I clutched my stomach and slowly opened my eyes to find James with a huge smile on his face. I looked at him and bursted a laugh. It felt so good to laugh and let it all out.

“You look so beautiful when you laugh.” I let my laughter die down. I raised an eyebrow and folled my arms around my chest. “So you don’t think I am always beautiful?”

He gave out a light chuckle and started rubbing his neck with his hand. “I-I-I...that’s not what I-” He stuttered and I could not help my laugh at his nervousness.

“I was just kidding, loser.” He caught on and gave me a evil smirk.

I glared back at him teasingly before he grabbed me around my waist and plopped me over his shoulder.

“You are needed in the dressing room.” I started kicking my legs on his semi-muscular chest. I would not admit to his face that he actually had muscles.

He playfully slapped my bottom and I let out a chuckle.

How did he make me so happy?

We got to the dressing room to find my mother and her makeup lady standing next to her. I looked at the clock to see it was a few hours before my party. Guess it is time to start preparing...

I heard a throat clear and looked at my mom. She barked “James, please leave.” I turned around to give James a goodbye smile. He locked his twinkling eyes and walked out the door.

After a few hours of putting makeup on and getting dressey, my mother and the makeup artist finally nodded heads at each other. It was simply treacherous when they wouldn’t let me look at myself in the mirror. They wanted it to be a surprise. Pish. Posh. They probably didn’t want me to look at it because they messed it up.

“ I done?” My mom nodded her head at me this time.

I turned around and walked to three mirrors adjoined together. I looked at the girl who looked in front of me. It met beyond my expectations. The long silver dress shimmered in the light adding to a star effect. My hair was bobbed up but looked cute with light makeup. Hey, this light makeup actually looks good instead powdering my face with different ages of primers and eye shadows.

I heard a feminine cough and turned around to give them a thumbs up.

I looked at the watch and knew the guests were already here at this time. I slipped on the matching silver shoes and the long earrings and raced through the door with a smile plastered on my face.

As on cue, the lights dimmed in my house and a middle age man came into view. He cast me a smile from the bottom of the stairs. His black designer tux was neatly groomed and looked good on him even with his light brown mixed with gray hair.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce my daughter, Jancey.” The spotlight shined on me as I stood awkwardly at the top of the stairs.

“I cannot believe she is eighteen all ready. It felt like a few years ago when I was carrying her. However, she will always be my little girl.” He concluded his speech as I was walking down the stairs.

Like a little girl, I jumped into my father’s arms not caring about my dress. He caught me swiftly and whispered in my ears “I love you, baby girl”.

Funny how I only hear those words a few time during the year since my parents are always working.

I let myself fall into the moment not caring what anyone thought. I felt another body pressed on me and knew from I would cherish this little family moment.

We all pulled away from the group hug as a soar of claps echoed in the room. I raised my head trying to feel the pull of a mate.

He must have not been here yet.

After our little moment, I walked to find the jocks of our school sitting in a little corner with Cassey and her best friend, Melanie. Unfortunately, the only person missing was her boyfriend, Duke.

“Nice party.” Cassey said with a small smile.

“It had to be the best.” I politely smiled before not feeling a pull to any of the jocks.

After an hour of fake smiling and talking with the guys and the VIP girls in the room, I went outside to get a breathe of fresh air.

“Having fun, darling?” A melodious voice asked me.


Holy unicorns! He is here behind me. I never felt so scared as I did right now.  I knew for that fact that even though I told myself if I get a nerd or a loser for a mate, at least he will love me. There is nothing more important than love. If he can add up to the amount of love I never got as a child, that would be tremendous.

“I am right behind you, love.” He spoke again giving me goosebumps. There was an unknown emotion to his voice.

If he can do that just by talking, I wonder what more he can give me. I took the chance and turned around to find the guy I would never expect as my mate. His dark brown hair and chocolate eyes penetrated me. I went all shy there for a second and looked down at my feet. Never in my years of living did I think the hot looking teenager in front of me would be my mate.

I saw his jaw clench as he spoke “funny how fate works.”

I nodded my head slowly thinking about his words. The guy I hate, Duke Dandil, is mate. However, do I really hate him now? I mean, we are mates so hate does not exist between them, right? I wish my mom would have spent a few more minutes of her damn life teaching me this.

“Damn. What will I do now?” He asked slowly.

I raised my eye brows at him “what do you mean?”

“Why the hell would I want you as my mate?” He asked in a monotone.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I think anyone would be glad to have me as a mate. Although I act like the biggest brat sometimes, I do have a heart you know.

He took a step towards me while fisting his hand “I don’t know you tell me. You are such a freaking brat who gets into guy’s pants. Have you ever cared for people’s emotions?”

How could he say those things? I never got into a guy’s pant. I was innocent as vanilla. Now, I feel stupid for thinking that a guy...wait..someone can actually like me.Foolish me.

“No! No! This cannot be happening.” I screamed out loud.

He took a step towards me and smirked “wishing the same thing sweetheart.”

Ouch. Just what I needed. It’s funny how they think my life is perfect when the only guy that has ever hated me happened to be my mate.

Oh moon goddess, why did you?

“Isn’t there anything I can do?” I asked taking a look at him through my annoyingly, long eyelashes.

Love cannot give up on me. It just can’t.

“I am sorry for my attitude. I really am. I will try to be a better person. But, people don’t reject me. Please! I am begging you.” Sometime between my begging, I was on the floor on my knees with my hands clamped together and tears shakily rolling down my face. I did not know whether I should have been grateful that it started to rain since it covered up my tears or ruined my dress.

I was begging my own freaking mate to not reject me. How pathetic! But I would have been more of an idiot if I let him give up on me.

He crinkled his eyebrows before anger slipped into his eyes. I could see a vein popping and his facial features turning dark.

“What can you do? Change that damn attitude of yours before my birthday?” I gave him a small smile while trying to battle off the raindrops. His dark hair was wet but it looked more glorifying on him. His white shirt clung to his frame letting me memorize his six pack. If I wasn’t on the floor begging my mate, I would have happily had my way with him.

Stupid mate hormones.

You know those aren’t my hormones.

Great! My wolf took the perfect time to talk to me. I ignored her while looking at Duke’s face. He closed his eyes and took out a deep breathe.

He opened his eyes with pity shining in them “fine, I will give you a month.

You can’t let him. Our life will be over.

Shut up wolf! Stop being so dramatic.

You are more of a dramatic queen than me.

“You-u-u c-c-c-an’t.” I stutter while fiddling with my fingers.

“Oh, I think I can... unless you change that stupid attitude of yours.” I could feel my heart cracking into pieces.

Why the hell did I let my fantasies get the best of me? I always hoped one day that my mate would give me enough love that I never got. Guess that will never happen.

“I’ll let you think about those words.” He turned on his heel and started walked out before turning around.

“One more thing. No one should know about this.” He motioned his fingers between us and left.

Great! Is this what it feels like to be a reject?

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