See ya later

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Guys, I cannot continue the story anymore. This is it from me. I may come back someday to Wattpad. Maybe in a year or more. I really have to get into med school. Wattpad is a distraction that I cannot control unless I end it for now. So, I have to leave for now. If you want to know what will happen next,  I wrote it down below:

After the last chapter, Jan helps Hasi and Vincent get together. While in class, Jan learns about a prophercy about two brothers (I didn't introduce this yet. So, it might be a bit confusing). Anyway, the prophercy is about two brothers who were seperated by birth. One was adopted into a family (Duke), while the other is the alpha of a rogue (Brandon). She finds out that her wannabes were the one who video-taped everything to give to Claire (Duke's ex). Claire becomes visablly upset and tries to break Jan and Duke apart.

Claire's dad is a dickhead who intiated the whole plan to break Jan and Duke apart. He is the uncle of Brandon and Duke (they don't know it until the end). He kills their parents (King and Queen of the Werewolf land) because he couldn't have power like they did. Instead of giving Claire's dad the power, they selected knew leaders. So, he seperates Duke and Brandon when they were little. The reason he seperated them was he knew of the power behind the two brothers. He knew one of them would be king of the werewolf land eventually, but just didn't which one. So, he chooses one, Duke, and sets his daughter to be with him. 

His plan falls through when he notices Jan is the mate of Duke. Then, he learns of the deal between Duke and Jan of the three month deal. Him, Claire and her gang, try to break them apart. He even goes far as to threaten Jan. 

Near the end of the three months, Duke wins the fight against Brandon and is ruled as the king of werewolves. He goes away for a few days before prom. Claire's dad is a duchebag who tries even harder to break them apart. He sadly does. He knows of a bitchy witch, who he promises some power to, who is willing to help him. The witch casts a spell on Jan to become her oldself. It works, Jan becomes a bitch again. Claire records all of this and shows it to all of the school on the day of prom. Jan does not remember any of this since she was under the spell and tries to explain to Duke, who does not listen. 

He utters the words "I wish I rejected you in the beginning" to Jan. She fears she got rejected and runs away to stop on the rogue's border. She cries to herself as she breaks the bond of her wolf not being able to take the pain. There is a reason she does this. It is the only way to not hurt Duke, since he will be the future king. She almost dies as she tranistions to her human form, if Brandon did not find her. Brandon helps her and they start to get along. She sees a necklase on his neck that has half wolf. She remembers that Duke has the other half. Brandon tells his story of his parents and she puts the puzzle together. 

She tells Brandon that Duke is his brother. Just in time, Duke, Claire, Claire's dad and the army come along to rescue Jan. She starts telling Duke about Brandon being brothers. Just then, she gets shot by Claire's dad. Just as he is about to shoot Brandon because her dad is a dickhead, Jan saves in front of him and saves him. Someone kills her father, thank the lord!

Duke finds about the whole plan from Claire. He gets angry and is deeply depressed that he cannot show his face in front of Jan. She gave him a big brother, a family member. So, he really isn't an orphan. Duke beats himself up for not trusting Jan when she told them that she is good. Jan leaves the pack after her recovery, just to get away. 

Duke is even more mad that he let her go. So, he does everything in his power to look for her. He finds out that  she is a "mother" to some orphan children. He goes to her. This is the ending dialogue:

"Why did you save my brother?" He asks her. 

"I did it for you as redemption. I wasn't the best person, from bullying you and everyone else. I thought this would at least change your mind that I have some good in me." He cursed at himself as he stared at her brown eyes.

He could feel the tears dropping from his face as he looked at her. He fucked things up. He didn't know if he shoulder ask her for another chance. So, he advanced towards her. She wanted to reach up and kiss his tears away. She had never seen him look this scared. What was troubling him? He stopped a few feet away letting her feel his minty breathe. 

"I hate myself for everything. I wish I haven't said those words or I would still have you in my arms. I am sorry for everything. I am sorry." He kept weeping out as he slumped to the floor beside her. 

"Hey, its okay." She kept cooing him. 

"No, its not. I lost you. I lost the love of my life. I killed your wolf. You almost died. None of that is okay." She stared at him suprised at his confession. 

"You love me?" She asked him. She knew she loved him with all of her heart. But, she didn't think he would after the incident. 

"I love you with all of my heart. I always did, ever since I saw you, the real you. After you broke down your barrier, I fell in love with you." After his confession, he backed away from her. He just wanted to come back and see how she was doing and tell her his love for her. Since he did now, he wanted to run away in fear of what she would say. He knew she didn't like him. What kind of idiot lets a person like her go?

"You are leaving?" She asked after she saw he was walking away from her. She wanted to tell him that he had her heart. But, she couldn't. She was scared of getting hurt. But, it seemed unlikely since he has gone all around the world to look for her. 

"I have to or I wouldn't be able to leave." He whispered enough for her to hear. 

"I love you, Duke." There, she said it. She saw the way he halted his steps and turned around while wipping the tears from his face. They never confessed their love for each other until now. 

They both took steps toward each other until Duke had his arms wrapped around Jan. His heart burst from the happiness he felt inside. He pulled away to look at her. 

"Jan, can I have another chance with you?" He mumbeled to her. She nodded her head before replying "you have three months mister to prove yourself to me." She grinned after saying that. 

Then, he kissed her like in those fairytales. He kissed her with all of the passion. 


So, I did have this story planned out since it was going to be complicated. I am sorry I won't be able to write all the chapters. That's why I gave away the summary. It was going to be a long book (50 chapters). 

I don't know when I will be back. If you are willing to stick around and face Duke and Jan again after a year or so, that's okay with me. If not, I understand. Both ways, at least you know what will happen. 

Thank you for the votes, comments and support. I wish you all the best of luck in your writing and dreams. 

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