Chapter 96-98

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Ye Fan had already picked up the porridge, returned to her spot, picked up her bag, and left the restaurant.

The road home wasn’t long, and Ye Fan didn’t want to waste anymore money, so she took a shortcut and arrived back at the house.

As she entered the house, she shouted, “Ruoyi, I’m back.”

She walked into Ruoyi’s room with the porridge and medicine in hand.

The screen stopped playing and the program switched over to an ad.

After the ad, the show continued.

The cameraman was instructed to film the entire trip, but the scene of Ye Fan returning to her room and flipping through her wallet was omitted.


Ye Fan walked out of her room, clearly panicking, and proceeding to tell the program crew, “I can’t find my money.”

She clearly put her money inside the drawer, only taking out a small portion to buy medicine.

Her money was taken away by the program crew, not left outside.

But when Ye Fan had found the lock pried open, the money was gone, and the cameraman wasn’t there to film any of it.

The crew deliberately didn’t film this scene, leading everyone to believe she had lost her money while she was out.

The screen was suddenly bombarded.

“Why did the program not include the portion when Ye Fan went home?”

“Yes! As soon as Ye Fan got home, the camera stopped following her. Ding Ruoyi was clearly sick, so why did the cameraman stop following such an important event?”

Of course, some viewers also felt that something was off.

“Am I the only one who finds this strange? Did Ye Fan take all her money out with her in the first place? Most people wouldn’t take so much with them and leave most of it at home. 

“Then was Ye Fan’s money left outside or was it lost from inside the room? If it was lost inside the room, then the crew must be extremely careless.”

At first, the viewers’ questions were taken off by the program crew.

They knew that Ye Fan had just debuted and had a small fandom. Bullying a small start wasn’t a big deal.

Ye Fan’s company, Huarui, was also small. They couldn’t go up against the program even if she was being framed.

And so, the program put out a slogan that Ye Fan was causing a ruckus and not following directions. Her reputation would worsen, and that was career-destroying for any newcomers.

Plus, the director had already been bribed by Tang Jin’s group. The plants they had made for the show had all been agreed by them as well.

When the event occured in Austria, they were adamant on not letting anyone find out where the problem originated from.

Who knew that viewers from every social media site would take the case and write their own comments.

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